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Alien ‘Monsters’ In Space! Or Are They Terrestrial Biological Entities?

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posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 03:47 AM

Originally posted by Macrotus
reply to post by mikesingh

When I saw the thread tittle I knew it was you. Hasn't this been done before countless of times only under different thread titles by you?

NOTHING conclusive will come out of this thread, only pure far fetched speculations. Like the numerous speculative threads that you started before this too will wither and die because the lack of any concrete evidence and proof to the existence of these 'monsters' which can be explained by humdrum, prosaic, mundane, no-nonsense irrefutable common sense and science. - camera lens, /digital imaging anomalies space debris, meteorites, ice crystals, discarded propellants, discarded foils, plastics, flotsam and whatnot from the space shuttle either accidentally or purposely. It has all been explained by NASA or other space agencies. It's been done to death and debunked all the time by NASA. Give it a rest.

There's nothing extraordinary or unexplained. If there was it would be all over the news. Media would love this stuff. Think of the ratings they would get. So this shows us this is nothing out of the extraordinary.

Oh and have a nice day.

[edit on 19-2-2008 by Macrotus]

yes, thats exacly what I meant. threads like those or those by Lear.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 02:58 PM
I believe no part of the creation is uninhabited by life forms with the possible exception of space far enough away from a solar system. But all areas where matter exists is populated. I believe all the planets and all of the space within the solar system is inhabited as well as the sun. The creates of matter are temporary and exist to provide the spirits an opportunity to exhaust their imperfects. Therefore, nothing is wasted, everything is inhabited.

I believe there are rods, serpents, fairy lights, amoeba, donuts, silver threads and other life forms we are not being told about because it would broaden rather then constrict our views of this world, life and our place in it. I think most of what is observed in the "Smoking Gun" video, for example are life forms and not space craft.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 11:46 AM
Here's another interesting image of a strange worm-like object in the sky off the coast of New Zealand..

Pic: The History Channel.
Thanks to spacevisitor for
drawing my attention to this!

And here's the analysis in Applied Optics written by Bruce Maccabee of the US Naval Surface Weapons Centre, Maryland...


[edit on 21-2-2008 by mikesingh]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 03:33 PM
Macrotus, I don't know were you live but I live in the USA. I have two objective points regarding the media and Govt. agencies.
The media often ignores stories. That is my main reason for being at ATS, to see what news does not make it to the screen. For example, here at ATS I read about US and Isreallie aircraft bombing Syria the day after it happened. CNN covered the same news over a month after the fact. If it's not about Britney or OJ it doesn't make our news very often.
It seems you think Govt. agencies are incapable of lies? Well...We are not selling arms to Iran, The US does not torture, The levels of formaldahide in trailers is not a health risk ,(niether is the air quality after 911)......ect.
Subjectively, my take is: those who take an active role in learning and ask questions can gather evidance that lead to possible conclusions. The information is there.
If you want to just be told what is going on by the media and Govt. agencies they will not let you down and they will keep your reality as simple as possible.
I'm sorry if my comments offend anyone......We will now be returning to our coverage of Brittney, OJ, and Non-stop coverage of polotics

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 03:43 PM
mikesing, I'm kinda new here but I look forward to cheking out some of your older posts. The fact that you are able to look at a topic that is ignored by all Govt. agecies dispite the worldwide evidance gives me hope. So far your speculation tops the ol' Ice crystals from swamp gas created from lense flare off of majic space debrie which can match shuttle orbits?

[edit on 21-2-2008 by oROSSTAo]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 04:07 PM
I had a couple of jokes ranging from Galactus to John Madden drawing squiggly lines but I have to honestly say this is really intriguing. I've always wondered if a biological entity could survive on its own in space. Of the organisms we know of that are possible on Earth, there is life in practically any environment. Then again, this could be some sort of space phenomena that is also exciting.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 06:11 PM
I just want to chime in here about a event/scenario that I think gets pointed at being something strange or extraterrestrial but is more than likely terrestrial in nature. Keep in mind people when it comes to any analysis, that if it can be duplicated (well you know the rest..).

I figure that probably more than 85% of all those wildly incredible "worm/serpent" photos from both Mexico and the United States are nothing more than the below that are released after a gathering..

This does not mean that I don't believe that many of these other type of photos and or videos of the unusual can't be explained also.. just that I have worked around the realms of being at a number of events including the above, and have witnessed them being released and later.. someone has taken a photo of them miles away mistakenly claiming them to be one of these "Worms/Serpents".


posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 09:11 PM
Great find Johnny. I think the "infamous" mikesingh...has answered his own questions here, ( or debunked...which ever you prefer) on a preivious thread this month....

Originally posted by mikesingh

What about this? It's a star - Rigel, at a large focal length. Why does it look like this? Unless you use a timer setting after you press the shutter, the resultant shots will always come out like this. If it is properly corrected for this by using a timer, focusing, and being absolutely sure that the mount is steady you'll always get this type of 'streaking'.

Where vids are concerned, this could be the result of having an unsteady hand. For objects (stars) with focal length at infinity, one needs to have a proper mount that is absolutely steady or else you may get this distortion or 'ghost' images.

So these may not be any kind of weirdo symbols by the aliens after all!
But hey! What do I know? Them aliens could probably be signaling the end of the world!!


Couldn't have said it better myself mike...

So these may not be any kind of weirdo symbols by the aliens after all!
But hey! What do I know?

*tips mug of Guinness towards a deflated ego....a few stools down...*


posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 12:01 AM
That's interesting. The problem though is that alot of footage of these worm-like flying objects in broad daylight (eliminating the possibility of some of these objects being stars or other inanimate space junk floating around). These worm-like objects fly around with no problem at all within our atmosphere, yet how can that so easily be explained? If these really are spacecraft that have traveled here from somewhere, then obviously they have the capability to travel in space. These worm-like objects have been videotaped doing just that.. Traveling in our skies on earth, as well as in orbit above it.

The most convincing footage I've seen to date have been clips of video footage shot by our own NASA astronauts. And while NASA itself may not admit what they know, the evidence speaks for itself. Space junk, ice, or any other inanimate object in space does not have the capability to instantly accelerate to speeds that would liquify a human body, change trajectory independent of any outside influence, or otherwise appear and disappear in non-visible wavelengths of the light spectrum. All have been captured many times by our own NASA equipment, much of it being broadcasted live down to earth.

More on NORAD:

Info on the Space Surveillance Network: (SSN)

Excerpt from NORAD link above:
[B]The region and the FAA feed supplemental data back to the air warning center. They analyze it and attempt to identify the aircraft. If the track still cannot be identified, NORAD will scramble jets to chase it. All of this happens in about five minutes.

While controllers identify most tracks, not all aircraft are identified. In 2000, there were 115 remaining unknown tracks and 179 in 2001.[/B]

(But what about unknown flying objects that don't get reported, as well as the unknown flying objects that are able to avoid being detected? This is likely just a small tip of the iceberg)..

I have to admit that many of the believers probably jump to conclusions when they see something that might be a UFO in their minds. Likelihood is that alot of this stuff is space junk. That conclusion cannot be ignored because of the sheer number of objects in orbit. Some of the footage I have seen that people claim are UFO's do not show any evident behavior that they are anything other than tumbling space junk.

NORAD tracks all objects in orbit larger than about the size of a baseball(it's in the 40,000 number I believe). These objects are large enough to send consistent data back to the instrumentation on the ground and therefore these objects can be tracked regularly. These worm-like UFO's we've been discussing are obviously much larger than a baseball, yet if our government knew what these objects were, then why would astronauts be told to observe them and send descriptions back to ground control (as they did in the STS-115 video).

If such objects are commonly tracked and have a regular orbit, then obviously they are likely man-made objects and/or debris of some kind. But what we are seeing in these NASA videos is evidence that these objects commonly change speed and trajectory. NASA doesn't seem to worry too much about this, but shouldn't they? One of the missions of the space surveillance network is to ensure that NASA and Air Force personnel are given information regarding these monitored objects so that spacecraft and satellites can launch and/or orbit without being hit by any of this debris.
Unknown objects/UFO's in orbit have been witnessed and recorded changing speed and trajectory on their own, therefore the SSN would be powerless to stop one of these objects from hitting or otherwise interacting with our spacecraft in orbit (manned or unmanned). So why doesn't NASA seem concerned? It seems a little strange don't you think?


[edit on 22-2-2008 by BlasteR]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by BlasteR

Excellent post ChriS!! I couldn't have brought it out better. A star for you!!

reply to post by JohnnyAnonymous

Agreed! But what about those that cannot be explained as 'balloons?' Like this vid that has been taken from the Shuttle, 236 miles above the Earth? I'm sure balloons don't fly that high!!

Originally posted by 1nL1ghtened

Originally posted by mikesingh
It's a star - Rigel, at a large focal length. Why does it look like this? Unless you use a timer setting after you press the shutter, the resultant shots will always come out like this. If it is properly corrected for this by using a timer, focusing, and being absolutely sure that the mount is steady you'll always get this type of 'streaking'.

Couldn't have said it better myself mike...

Well, I guess you’ve taken my explanation out of context!
That pic I showed in a previous thread was the pic of the star Rigel, which we all know it was! But these were shots taken during the day when stars aren’t visible!

These objects on this thread have nothing to do with any star or a shaky hand! Also read my above post and the analysis on the New Zealand sighting. Thanks!


[edit on 22-2-2008 by mikesingh]

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 07:48 AM
I remember seeing this on Secret Space and was like WTF! I would say this is probably the oddest thing I've ever seen. The only UFO that really can't be explained in any way. Freakin wierd man!

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 02:43 AM
Sorry not sure if this link will work but if it does it shows a worm like thing at 48 seconds. This video was new to me. If link doesn't work it's the second vid in Stephenvillelights videos.

Kinda along the biological theme anyway.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by oROSSTAo

Good find oROSSTAo!
If this is what you're talking about...

Sure looks strange! Especially the way it writhes as seen in the vid!


posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh
reply to post by oROSSTAo

Good find oROSSTAo!
If this is what you're talking about...

Sure looks strange! Especially the way it writhes as seen in the vid!


I've been looking online for that video because I was curious and wanted to see it for myself but i couldn't find it anywhere..The guy's name, according to the cnn story, was Justin Mallard but nothing comes up on the search engines. The reason i find this particular video of interest is because the UFO has characteristics exactly like other worm UFO's seen and videotaped elsewhere. It even looks alot like the NASA worm-like UFO's that they have videotaped in orbit at least 3 or 4 times.


[edit on 14-3-2008 by BlasteR]

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by BlasteR

Which vid are you meaning? Is it the one above? If yes, then you'd be able to see the 'worm' at 46 secs onwards for a few secs. Here it is....

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by mikesingh

Sorry Mike. yeah that's the one. I've been looking for it online but can't find the raw video footage anywhere. The thing that is interesting about these worm-like objects (in footage people have shot from the ground) is that they always have similar flight characteristics. They usually travel through the air relatively slowly and seem to tumble and rotate.

This is obviously something shaped like a huge worm that is flying through the air. Unexplainable with our current level of technology.

I've been posting responses in the other threads about the Texas UFO wave as well as discussing the witness testimony.. But I think this is relevant here..

Would the military really have the money to construct a mile long, half mile wide flying object? Not to mention have the limitless resources to construct a building to house the aircraft and construct it in while keeping it all secret? Doubtful. And why would they go through all that trouble to manufacture something so technologically amazing only to fly it over populated areas in Texas so that everyone can see it? And how could the do all this while maintaining zero sound coming from the object (which the witnesses all described)?

These UFO photos and videos coming out of Texas are pretty astonishing, and one of the interesting aspects of this UFO wave is that all of these UFO's seem to be different in shape, size, etc.. etc..

I just find it ironic that all this unexplainable activity has been going on around Dublin and Stephenville, Texas and what emerges is a video of a worm-like UFO flying in our atmosphere while tumbling and twisting around. It correlates exactly with what other people have seen, photographed, and videotaped elsewhere, not only from the ground but as well as our astronauts in orbit. Just as there seem to be triangular shaped UFO's and disc-shaped UFO's, apparently there are also worm UFO's and who knows what else? The surreal thing is that it is all happening right in front of our faces and the evidence proves that. It isn't something that is trying to be kept from our eyes (as the government would do if these were classified aircraft).


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