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Boy helped by ''angels'' in murder attempt

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posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 05:41 AM
Hi Dock6,

Originally posted by Dock6
Interesting thread and some interesting and fascinating posts from Palasheea and Paul_Richard. Thank you ! Stars for both


Originally posted by Dock6
I've recounted this experience in previous ATS threads, but a re-post here may elicit answers or explanations from Palasheea and Paul_Richard.

...Palasheea and Paul_Richard .. if you've managed to make it this far, I would be very grateful of your interpretations of what I experienced .. and your advice as to whether I need to be concerned about the cloaked figure's threat (and if so, what would you advise I do, please?).

Sure, I'd be happy to help you, as I have extensive experience in dealing with discarnate demonic forces and in counseling people who have also had problems in that area.

As I stated to Pala, what often happens is that morally corrupt souls in the Spirit often temporarily combine their energies in The Light (into a Group Entity) in order to make themselves appear to be a single powerful demonic figure. The reason why it is temporary is because their unethical applications of The Light causes their consciousness to shrink and for them to lessen in energy. In essence, they retrogress away from The Light to a point whereby they can no longer combine their energies and are forced to reside on the hellish dimensions attributed to the first plane - where discarnates with a Dominant Aura Color of brown reside.

Group Entity abuse is usually a battle of attrition.

As such, in addition to emotionally fighting back and using one's will (and visualization) in pushing away their energies, it is important to pay special attention to keeping the body healthy and grounded. The daily intake of Brazilian coral calcium, distilled Omega 3-6-9, and the multivitamin called The Kitchen Sink all help with this. Noni and Goji juice, three tablespoons of each in a glass of orange juice, once in the morning at least, lowers the blood pressure, aids the joints and lungs, lessens allergies, and boosts the immune system. Also, avoid consuming an abundance of pasta and potatos (starch) and have a salad every day that consists of Romaine lettuce, shredded carrots, and celery, with other veggies added for taste and variety. Only eat organic meat and then only sparingly. Avoid pork and ham completely.

A regular exercise regimen is also suggested. One that entails low-impact aerobic activity for at least twenty minutes three times a week. The Gazelle , formerly called the XL-Glider, is ideal for this, as it is low impact and very good for cardiovascular health. A more rigorous option is kick boxing.

You want to have good cardiovascular health in order to have the physical strength and endurance to emotionally deal with discarnate demonic forces, as it takes a toll on the body.

Eventually, the energy of abuse will dissipate all by itself. They have absolutely no choice but to weaken themselves through their acts of sadism to one or more innocents.

Calling them out to be a bunch of primitive spirits who are combined into a Group Entity instead of a single powerful demon, frustrates them greatly

With intense emotion behind it, BERATE THEM. But do so in heated whispers and behind closed doors so your children and neighbors don't get the wrong idea. Tell them that they are too weak to stand on their own without cowardly hiding behind their collective.

All of which is quite true.

The traditional techniques of surrounding oneself with white and/or gold energy for defense, is helpful too, along with prayer. But what I have found to be even more helpful is using Qigong or Chi-Gong for self-healing and one can use it anywhere, anytime. U2U me and I will provide you with a link to a site that teaches a very simple Qigong technique.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by Paul_Richard

Thank you for responding, Paul_Richard.

As mentioned, the exorcism (and subsequent attempted 'take over' by what felt like an amalgamation of entities, plus the threat from the cloaked entity) occurred in the early 80s ... 20-odd years ago now.

For the past 10 years approx., we've been living in the city. It's coincided with widespread Chemtrail activity in this area and reduced food and water quality generally (irradiated, GM foods, etc.) It's also coincided with daily computer use on my part, which rightly or not, I still consider to be detrimental to health. City living has meant greatly reduced exercise, despite my walking at least one kilometre daily, active gardening, etc.

About ten years ago also, I began suffering what may be arthritis, plus high blood pressure in place of lifelong low, insomnia, debilitating cramps, etc. .. all in place of previous good health generally.

Coinciding with the move to the city and general reduction in health and commencement of computer useage, etc., has been a virtual cessation of the paranormal activity that had previously blighted my life.

I'm grateful for the virtual end to the paranormal activity, incidentally. I was never a 'dabbler': never sought the paranormal (it was always spontaneous) and didn't enjoy or welcome it. It commenced in early childhood but occurred only infrequently -- until we bought the house in which the events detailed in my previous posts, took place. The number of pararnormal incidents greatly reduced after we sold that house.

It was definitely the house which was the catalyst. Not old or spooky .. just the opposite in fact ... but it had either been built on a site with a history (ancient obviously, because the land was 'reclaimed' and had never been built on before) --- or one or more previous tenants had created a 'history'. Only after we'd purchased the house did we learn from the police that two people who'd lived in it prior to us, had been murdered in mysterious circumstances which have never been solved (not murdered in the house though, thankfully).

Which is just another reason I found your posts to be fascinating and illuminating. You mentioned a 'collection' of base spirits/entities joining forces in order to gain power or strength. I don't remember anyone, in anything I've read, who's offered this explanation ... yet it confirms my own suspicions, particularly in relation to whatever that house harboured.

We'd bought what we believed to be a cheerful, wholesome family home. If I'd suspected otherwise, we would never have even considered it. So when I walked through the door on the day we moved in to discover what I 'saw' (not my physical eyes, obviously) as a grey 'cloud' or 'bubble' of what seemed or felt to me like a group of malignant personalities, extending down from the high raked ceiling ... it wasn't because I was looking for drama or the supernatural. I was shocked, disorientated. If I could, I would have walked out, slammed the door and cancelled the purchase.

From the outset, in relation to the house we bought, I believed the malignant presence to be comprised of multiple personalities .. a 'group' thing. I 'saw' and felt the 'group' in a specific location in that house and as the years passed, virtually every supernatural occurrence was based in that specific location. And as I later learned, I was not the only member of our household to be aware of it .. although I didn't learn this until long after we'd sold the place and moved. While we lived there, I hid my awareness from my family. Thought I was the only one who knew.

You raised another matter I've never read in any forum or book, when you advocated challenging the 'group entities'.

Challenge them ! Me? Ordinary-me would quake at the mere thought. So you may be amused to hear that when I (ordinary, clueless, completely unprepared) first entered that house to discover .. to my own shock, fear and dismay .. that a 'group presence' was radiating hostility etc. and 'hanging' in a cloud from the ceiling ... I released (totally unaware I was doing it, or how I was doing it !) a sort of inner-Superperson ! I didn't even know I had one ! Or that they exist !

The Superperson assessed the situation very swiftly .. in seconds. Then, sounding very strong and meaningful .. it told the cloud of group presences to get out. That this was OUR house now and we weren't leaving. They (the group) would.

All of this took place while 'ordinary me' was chattering reassuringly to the children, who for some reason didn't seem to like our new house, despite their earlier excitement. So I was in two minds at once: ordinary parent *and* this unsuspected warrior Superperson who'd arrived suddenly on the scene. But the Superperson was 'me' as much as the flesh and blood version. I knew/know it was 'me' (or an element of me) because it came out of me .. sounded (to my inner ear, because of course it didn't use a physically-audible voice) like 'me' and 'felt' like me. It 'was' me, but was a side to me I'd never met before, consciously at least. I don't know where it ordinarily resides, either. That's the first and only time I've ever observed it in 'independent' action that way. Most of the time, I feel 'integrated' .. just the 'one me'. And the Superperson usually manifests (I suppose) as 'inner sense' or 'sixth sense', 'intuition', etc.

I (consciously and otherwise) kept up a determined front against the 'group presence'. But the group presence didn't leave, although it backed off a little compared to that first encounter. It didn't feel like 'one'. It felt like a group. But you're the only person who's ever suggested this possibility, so thank you for the confirmation after all these years.

Occasionally, it would try to 'take me over' and always in that one specific location within the house that I've mentioned (a hallway and radiating outwards) .. usually when I was vacuuming the carpet. I've thought about that, obviously, and have reached the conclusion it's because vacuuming is repetitive .. the sound itself is monotonous ... a 'back and forth' pitch ... all condusive to a sort of 'hypnotic' or even altered, daydreamy 'state'. Happens with me, anyway.

I used to have a real fight on my hands during those vacuuming the hallway attempted 'take overs'. Have posted about it elsewhere, no room here. Suffice to say, that while I was fighting to withstand the presences, I was aware .. even at conscious level .. that there was more than 'one' involved. I suspect my mind withholds a lot from me, learned/known at superconscious level. And that's fine. I'm glad it's withheld.

When I went back into the memory of the possession of another person which I'd witnessed as a child of 12 (desribed in above posts) I believe I endangered myself. The experience had damaged me, I believe. My mind had locked that memory away for years. I should not have 're-remembered' that incident with such accuracy. I only did so in order to write an accurate account of it for the exorcist.

In returning to that memory, I believe I 'opened' myself. Because what I did was 're-live' seeing that possessing entity. And the memory still had immense power because it was linked to what I suspect may be a 'damaged section' in the mind's protective shield -- same damage the experience caused in the first place. It allowed the house's opportunistic group-presences to attack me while my defenses were down. It was their chance and they nearly won. The fact I'm clearly mediumistic to a degree must have made me a natural target. Others may be impervious to them. I thank God for saving me.

But the later entity .. the one which said, after the exorcism: 'You've got/gotten rid of the rest of them. Now you have me to deal with ?' This is of concern to me. What is your advice, please? Should I be concerned ?

Many thanks

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 03:52 PM
Hi Dock6,

Originally posted by Dock6
Thank you for responding, Paul_Richard.

Glad to be of help.

Originally posted by Dock6
You mentioned a 'collection' of base spirits/entities joining forces in order to gain power or strength. I don't remember anyone, in anything I've read, who's offered this explanation ... yet it confirms my own suspicions, particularly in relation to whatever that house harbored.

...From the outset, in relation to the house we bought, I believed the malignant presence to be comprised of multiple personalities .. a 'group' thing.

...You raised another matter I've never read in any forum or book, when you advocated challenging the 'group entities'.

...Challenge them ! Me? Ordinary-me would quake at the mere thought. So you may be amused to hear that when I (ordinary, clueless, completely unprepared) first entered that house to discover .. to my own shock, fear and dismay .. that a 'group presence' was radiating hostility etc. and 'hanging' in a cloud from the ceiling ... I released (totally unaware I was doing it, or how I was doing it !) a sort of inner-Superperson ! I didn't even know I had one ! Or that they exist !

The Superperson assessed the situation very swiftly .. in seconds. Then, sounding very strong and meaningful .. it told the cloud of group presences to get out. That this was OUR house now and we weren't leaving. They (the group) would.

...So I was in two minds at once: ordinary parent *and* this unsuspected warrior Superperson who'd arrived suddenly on the scene.


Originally posted by Dock6
...I (consciously and otherwise) kept up a determined front against the 'group presence'. But the group presence didn't leave, although it backed off a little compared to that first encounter. It didn't feel like 'one'. It felt like a group.

But you're the only person who's ever suggested this possibility, so thank you for the confirmation after all these years. problem. I have a lot of experience to draw from on this issue.

Originally posted by Dock6
The fact I'm clearly mediumistic to a degree must have made me a natural target. Others may be impervious to them. I thank God for saving me.

No one in the flesh is impervious to Group Entity abuse unless they are protected in some way (as with a Secondary Godhead Sun). To my knowledge, that protection is a future ability, not one currently in existence.

Originally posted by Dock6
But the later entity .. the one which said, after the exorcism: 'You've got/gotten rid of the rest of them. Now you have me to deal with ?' This is of concern to me. What is your advice, please? Should I be concerned ?

Actions speak louder than words. When they cannot do more to you than they can with words, they just use words.

Tell them to give it their best shot

Then MOON THEM - but not in front of the kids.

Once I had a GE mess with my television. The channels kept changing by themselves. So I did the above and the problem stopped.

Originally posted by Dock6
Many thanks

You're welcome and thank you for sharing with us your experiences.

[edit on 18-2-2008 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 06:50 PM
Hi Dock! I'm so glad Richard_Paul was able to respond to your posts of that exorcism ordeal you went through. I turned in early last night but just wanted to say that it's great that you can even talk about that experience now and not have any hang ups about doing that.

As for myself, I'm very curious to find out what you have learned from that experience. What did you find out that you didn't know before?

One of the first clear messages I got from my contacts was not a answer, but a question.. and that was somebody else asking one of my contacts that I overheard.. "Will she learn from this?". In retrospect, I was to find out that whatever information is presented to us, it's for a reason. So my question to you is, did you learn anything from that experience (and those immediately prior to that) in your participation in your friend's exorcism? The bottom line is, there's a reason for everything. You have protectors around you 24/7 who guard the gate, so to speak, to keep you from such onslaughts as what you went through at that time. But for some reason, they allowed that information to seep through for you to experience it. So this is why I'm asking the same question that was once posed to me.. Did You Learn Anything? It's important for you to think about that.

You did a great job of describing everything that went on at that time but in retrospect, what's it's saying to you? What did you learn that you didn't know before?

PS ... no need to go into that here .. this is a public forum afterall. But just want you to think about this. Everything happens for a reason.

[edit on 18-2-2008 by Palasheea]

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 04:41 PM
This story brought back memories. I had a couple Angel encounters as a kid. The first was a voice of warning and the other was an actual sighting. I still walke up to "taps" on the arm or forehead some nights, and often have dream encounters. My angel has told me everything from a future death in the family, to people i'll encounter in life. I doubted it at first, but when everything started to come true, what do you do or who do you tell? Thats why i enjoy this site, because i've learned that i'm not alone.

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