Lifting the Veil
I am not an individual that watches much TV or yearns to turn it on, because I feel that 99% of the news broadcast is negative and worthless. With the
advent of the internet many people have been able to voice their feelings, emotions and opinions, which most of the time contradicts what is being
projected on the news and media. I also believe and know via my higher self that most of us do not need a leader, we have our inner guide that knows
best, so why do we choose leaders? Is it out of fear? Is it out of peer pressure?
If we are all connected and we are all equal, then why do we give our power away to those that abuse it? I sit in amazement that we think that one
person or group can lead us and make everyone happy, but yet we all listen to the rhetoric and buy into it, I am guilty as charged. I want things to
be peaceful, if I could ask for one thing for everyone here on earth, it would be the wisdom to see how powerful they truly are, including myself. As
long as we, you and I give our power to others/leaders we lose sight of our higher self and what our purpose is.
What is this Veil of Illusion? The veil of illusion that we need powerful leaders to show us the way seems hollow to me these days and complete false,
if I turn to my higher self the truth is known. The news rhetoric broad cast 24/7 these days coming from so called up and coming leaders are tones
that carry very low vibrations of self interest. Look at the past what have the leaders done for humanity?
A true leader/spiritual advisor only points that way, and shows each person the inner power they already possess and that we are all connected.
Picking out a true spiritual person vs. a phony with a hidden agenda is very easy, if they proclaim and instill fear to control then they are false.
Who coined the term “Divide and Conquer”? If they tell you what they can do for you or your country, they are false, but if they empower you by
helping show that you already have this amazing inner strength they are part of the light that you seek.
How many of us feel that life is mundane, boring, surreal and redundant? I believe that each and every one of us has a very special purpose here on
earth, and the powers that be try to keep us distracted, thus creating the veil. I also believe we have chosen this experience for a reason, so this
so called veil can be brought down or kept up by each and every one of us.
Hence, I tire of this lower vibration that skips like a broken record. How many times must we place our hands in the fire before we learn it burns?
Again, I am guilty as charged. I feel that the veil is lifting faster with each day passing, than it ever has, because of the awareness and yearning
for a higher vibrational state, but sometimes we get scared and revert back to our comfort zone that has been the lower vibration for way too long.
Again, guilty. I know that many of your will understand what I have just written because we are all feeling these dramatic shifts and changes these
days. Most people think we are headed for worse times, but I believe that we are in the bad times now and the Veil is lifting. A golden age is ahead
very soon we are all waking up. Ascending so to speak.