posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 02:07 PM
So some Iraqis are choosing to be suicide bombers, while others are burying explosives under roads, and then detonating them when people they consider
enemies drive by. Maybe I'm reading the wrong articles, but I wish someone would tell me if the people doing these things are all Sunnis, Saddam's
no-longer-in-power Islamic affiliation. Or are Sunnis and Shias both taking part in these activities?
I guess the answer to this question would tell me whether the motivation for the insurgents is just to get the invaders out of their country, or are
the Sunnis also attempting to strike back at the group that replaced them as the ruling group in Iraq (the Shia).
My other question involves the concept that if America withdrew from Iraq, the situation would worsen, and likely lead to civil war. Or is the fear
that Iraq's feeble form of democracy would be snuffed out by some Saddam wannabe? If it's the Sunnis that are leading the resistance (I don't know
if this is true), and if one of the reasons for their resistance was removed (foreign invaders), wouldn't that help to somewhat defuse the volatile
situation? When Saddam was in charge, why weren't Shia's doing suicide bombing?
I'm not really a political person, so these questions might be naive. But are we sure the situation would worsen if America withdrew?