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Something big going on in Brasil

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posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 04:03 PM
Well...there's some BIG ufo sightings going on in Brasil in the last days.
Lot's of Ufologists in the area, and the "famous" A. J. Gevaerd as well.
I can't translate all the stuff as my english is not great, but there's some people filming, some footage of 5 UFOs doing some crazy things in the air, a "mothership" with small UFOs coming out of it, crop circles Crazy things...
I have just found all this info, will post more as soon as I find more...

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 04:03 PM
Enviado por: "A. J. Gevaerd" gevaerd2006
Dom, 10 de Fev de 2008 7:04 pm
Caros amigos:

Cheguei hoje, domingo, às 13h00, de Riolândia. Passei sexta à noite e sábado inteiro lá. Sai nesta madrugada para Campo Grande. Colhi dezenas de testemunhos e fiz muitas fotos. Cada vez me assombro mais com o que está acontecendo em Riolândia e confesso que poucas vezes antes vi um "agito ufológico" tão intenso, duradouro e legítimo. Tenho centenas de e-mails para ler e responder, e muitas providências a tomar, mas mesmo assim passo algumas informações rapidamente.

1. Na noite de 06 para 07 de fevereiro uma luz distante e em movimentos sinuosos foi filmada na cidade e testemunhada por mais de uma dúzia de pessoas de vários pontos da cidade. Temos testemunhos sólidos de pessoas sérias de Riolândia e arredores, entre as quais alguns funcionários públicos.

2. Na noite de 07 para 08 de fevereiro uma observação estupenda aconteceu ao lado da Pousada Piapara. 3 objetos discóides de grande tamanho foram vistos inicialmente, e a eles se juntaram outros 3 objetos esféricos e menores. Isso foi testemunhado pelo arrendatário do local, Maurício, o mesmo que fez a primeira observação, de 19 para 20 de janeiro, e seu irmão Antonio. O fenômeno durou mais de uma hora, período em que 5 dos objetos (os 3 discóides e duas das 3 luzes esféricas) desceram até o canavial ao sul da pousada, não o mesmo afetado antes.

3. Ao longo da sexta-feira, dia 08, vários ufólogos, jornalistas, cinematografistas etc chegaram com equipamentos à pousada. Gener Silva, Jorge Nery e outros integrantes do INAPE, de Araçaruba, e o Cristian e o Sivaldo e chegaram a tarde. Eu cheguei às 20h00 e me juntei ao grupo. Às 22h00 chegaram o Ismael e os filhos, de Maringá. Na manhá seguinte, o Paulo Poian chegou de Araras, e o Roberto Beck e Herbert, da EBE-ET, de Brasília. Na noite do dia 08, os ufólogos, moradores, autoridades municipais e curiosos fizeram uma vigília das 21h00 às 04h30. Um fenômeno luminoso foi visto por todos por vários minutos e filmado. Sua origem não pode ser atribuída a causas naturais. Temos todos os depoimentos.

4. Simultaneamente, há mais de 10 km dali, numa estrada de terra mais perto da cidade, dezenas de pessoas se aglomeravam e testemunhavam outra luz espantosamente brilhante que sobrevoava outro canavial, que também foi filmada. As pessoas começaram a se comunicar no avançado da noite e umas chamavam as outras para o encontro naquele local. Essa observação em massa (temos vários testemunhos) foi impressionante e na mesma hora do fenômeno registrado na vigília realizada na pousada. Se a cidade ainda estava um tanto dividida quanto ao surgimento de fenômenos ufológicos lá, esta observação, testemunhada por pessoas de vários segmentos da municipalidade, dissipou as dúvidas. Não se fala de outra coisa em Riolândia e as testemunhas se acumulam.

5. Da noite de ontem, 09, para hoje, 10 de fevereiro, novo grupo se reuniu em vigilia na pousada, mas apenas duas pessoas permaneceram além das 04h00: o Paulo Poian e o Thiago Vieira. Eles testemunharam às 05h05 outro fenômeno luminoso sobre o mesmo canavial ao sul da pousada, mas desta vez mais perto, a menos de 200 m. O objeto desceu e ficou no meio da vegetação.

6. Eu saí da pousada para voltar a Campo Grande (são 1500 km ida e volta) às 06h00 e já ao passar or Riolândia para tomar um café pegar a estrada, ouvi relatos de moradores de que, apesar da chuvinha que caía, novos avistamentos ocorreram naquela noite, na cidade. Ao longo da viagem tomei conhecimento, pelos ufólogos Cristian e Sivaldo (que também é testemunha de inúmeras ocorrências), de que a cidade vizinha Valentim Gentil, a cerca de 70 km de Riolândia, também registrou grande número de relatos na mesma noite. Estou aguardando detalhes. O Roberto Beck e o Herbert, da EBE-ET de Brasília continuam no local esperando por ufólogos de SP e RJ. Muits vigílias ocorrerão nesta semana.

7. Acabo de saber que as cidades de Fernandópolis e Votuporanga, vizinhas de Valentim Gentil e distantes uma da outra uns 20 km, além de estarem a cerca de 70-90 km de Riolândia, também teve fenômenos avistados. Estou aguardando detalhes.

8. No meio de toda essa agitação, contabilizamos números expressivos. Temos pelo menos 6 filmagens independentes dos fenômenos luminosos, duas delas em nosso poder. Temos perto de 30 testemunhas já contatadas e entrevistadas, além de um estimado de umas 3 a 4 centenas em todos os municípios atingidos. Estou com grande quantidade de gravações de relatos e material para publicar. Vai ser trabalhoso colocar tudo isso junto. Todos os ufólogos citados acima e mais alguns estão ajudando com seus dados. Temos em andamento uma mega operação de pesquisas de um fenômeno em andamento.

As autoridades de alguns municípios estão preocupadas, a ponto de implorarem a presença de ufólogos no local. Bem, nós estamos fazendo nossa parte. É isso. Deixem eu fazer um relatório mais detalhado para lhes enviar. Sáo muitos dados para colocar juntos e analisar. Nada mal para uma "maionese", como já se disse sobre Riolândia. Hoje, uma pessoa que fale isso para os 8.500 moradores de lá sai linchado.

Abs, Geva

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by Deker

Oh no!!! I've lost the ability to read....someone help me, is what I'm typing make any sense?

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 04:21 PM
Submitted by: "A. J. Gevaerd" gevaerd2006
Sun, 10 2008 7:04 pm
Dear friends:

I arrived today, Sunday, to 13.00, Riolândia. I spent Friday evening and Saturday entire there. Sai this morning to Campo Grande. Colhi dozens of witnesses and made many pictures. Every time my amazement more with what's happening in Riolândia and admit that I saw a few times before "movida ufológico" very intense, lasting and legitimate. I have hundreds of e-mails to read and respond, and many measures to be taken, but still step some information quickly.

1. During the night of 06 to 07 February in a light and distant winding movements was filmed in the city and witnessed by more than a dozen people from various points of the city. We have solid evidence of serious Riolândia people and surroundings, including some public officials.

2. In the evening of 08 February 07 for a comment estupenda happened next to the Pousada Piapara. 3 discoid objects of great size were seen initially, and they joined other 3 spherical objects and minors. This was witnessed by the lessee of the site, Mauritius, the same who made the first observation of 19 to January 20, and his brother Antonio. The phenomenon lasted more than an hour, a period in which 5 of objects (the 3 discoid and two of the 3 lights spherical) fell to the reedbed the southern Hostel, not the same affected before.

3. Throughout Friday, August 08, several ufólogos, journalists, etc cinematografistas arrived with equipment to the inn. Gener Silva, Jorge Nery and other members of INAPE, Araçaruba and Cristian and Sivaldo arrived in the afternoon. I came to 20:00 and I joined the group. At 22.00 reached the Ishmael and children, Maringá. In manhá following the Poian Paulo came from Araras, and Roberto Beck, Herbert, SBS-ET, of Brasilia. On the evening of day 08, the ufólogos, residents, and municipal authorities made a curious vigil from 21:00 to 04h30. A luminous phenomenon was seen by all for several minutes and filmed. Its origin can not be attributed to natural causes. We have all the evidence.

4. At the same time, more than 10 km away, on a road of land near the city, dozens of people were agglomerated in testemunhavam another astonishingly brilliant light that sobrevoava other reedbed, which was also filmed. People began to communicate in advanced night and the other one called for the meeting there. This observation bulk (we have several witnesses) was impressive in the same time of the phenomenon recorded in the vigil held at the inn. If the city was still somewhat divided as to the emergence of phenomena ufológicos there, this observation, witnessed by people from various segments of the municipality, clarified the doubts. Do not talk about another thing in Riolândia and witnesses accumulate.

5. From the evening of yesterday, 09, for today, February 10, new group met in vigil at the inn, but only two people remained beyond 04h00: o Paulo Poian and Thiago Vieira. They witnessed another phenomenon at 05h05 light on the same reedbed the southern Hostel, but this time closer, less than 200 m. The subject was dropped in the middle of the vegetation.

6. I went out of the inn to go back to Campo Grande (1500 km are outward and return journey) at 06h00 and have to move or take a coffee Riolândia to take the road, heard reports from residents that, despite the chuvinha that fell, new sightings occurred that night in the city. Throughout the trip I learnt by ufólogos Cristian and Sivaldo (which is also witness to numerous occurrences), that the city neighboring Valentine Gentil, about 70 km from Riolândia, also registered large number of reports on the same night. I am awaiting details. The Beck and Roberto Herbert, the SBS-ET of Brasilia remain at the site waiting for ufólogos of SP and RJ. Muits vigils occur this week.

7. I just know that the cities of Fernandópolis and Votuporanga, neighbour Valentine Gentil and distant to each other about 20 km, in addition to be

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 04:24 PM
7. I just know that the cities of Fernandópolis and Votuporanga, neighbour Valentine Gentil and distant to each other about 20 km, in addition to being about 70-90 km from Riolândia, also had phenomena sighted. I am awaiting details.

8. In the midst of all this turmoil, contabilizamos numbers expressive. We have at least 6 shots independent of luminous phenomena, two of them in our power. We have nearly 30 witnesses already contacted and interviewed, besides an estimated some 3 to 4 hundred in all municipalities affected. I am a great quantity of recordings of reports and material to publish. It will be hard put all this together. All ufólogos cited above and a few others are helping with their data. We have ongoing operation of a mega search of a phenomenon in progress.

Authorities in some municipalities are concerned, the point of the presence of ufólogos beg at the site. Well, we are doing our part. It is this. Let me make a more detailed report to send them. Sáo much data to put together and analyze. Not bad for a "mayonnaise", as has already been said about Riolândia. Today, a person who speaks it for the 8,500 residents of there linchado leaves.

Abs, Geva

[edit on 15-2-2008 by Ziltoid_the_Omniscient]

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 04:34 PM
I also saw this, with a pic, at the same sight:
Link to news story

It is the most beautiful thing in the world ". So Mauricio Pereira da Silva, 39 years old, owner of the Hostel Piapara in Riolândia, describes the óvnis (unidentified flying objects), which he says have seen the last end of week, hovering on sugarcane.
With fewer than 10,000 inhabitants, in the currency of Sao Paulo in Minas Gerais, a small town on the banks of the Grand River has become in less than thirty days a national attraction for experts in ufologia.
Since the beginning of the week the National Institute of Astronomy and Space Research (Inape) maintains a team at the site, making the evening vigil at dawn.
We were at the inn since January 19 - the date on which the visas were primeiors óvnis - ufólogos of Aracatuba, Sao Paulo, Campo Grande, Brasilia and even Joao Pessoa, the capital of Paraiba.
With camcorders, and telescopes, all try to have the same luck the score Marcílio Steck Netto, a couple of 26 years that passed the Carnival with the father that Hostel, fishing, and had the good fortune to shoot about 15 minutes of light appearances unidentified .
Mauricio Silva, the domo of the inn that is at half the sugar cane that would serve as a place of landing ships, aliens, describes what he saw in the last weekend.
"It was just over 3h in the morning. Think of a tire cart. They were three balls that diameter, one beside the other, well aligned and light. It was beautiful, "he says.
The team is making vigil at the site is coordinated by Roberto ufólogo Affonso Beck, advisor of the magazine and director of the UFO Entity Brasileira de Estudos aliens (SBS-TEE).
Today Riolândia returns to the engineer Jorge Nery, responsible for the search of the field Intituto National Astronomy and Space Research, which will accompany a team of TV which will make a special report on the strange apparitions in the sky and the marks on sugarcane - large areas, as a circular or oval, appear in the plantations, without any explanation.
The sugar cane is not broken - feet are only "disposable" by some unknown force.
And after the publication of the first report in The City, the columnist Antonio Carlos Morandini disclosed that many residents of Ribeirao Preto, one of the nights of Carnaval views unidentified bright objects in the sky.

Association of plants sobrevoa area with reedbed tombado
As soon as the first signs appeared strange in sugarcane, Riolândia, UDOP (Union of Producers of Bioenergy), based in Araçatuba entity, which represents the plants of sugar and alcohol in the region west Paulista, sent a team to the site.
"Alugamos an airplane and sobrevoamos the reed. It's really very strange. The marks we saw could not have been made by machine and not by humans, "believes Rogério Mian, the assessor UDOP.
"The experts that we were taxativos query by saying that the areas of cane tombada were not the result of climatic phenomena. Ventania was not because the areas are not continuous, "comments.
Mian emphasizes that until now the authority does not receive any formal complaint from members.
"Do not break because the cane, only tomba. With the rain, she returns to grow, to be standing and there is no financial loss, at least for now, "he explains.
The films were shown on TV UDOP, only available on the internet. Images can be viewed on the site of the entity (

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 04:39 PM
Thanks for the translation buddy...I'm still reading all this stuff, will post more links as soon as a find then. Thanks again!

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 04:40 PM
I don't know for sure this could be related it, because I can't read the language on the information section.It does say Brazil UFO from Feb 15...


posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 04:48 PM
I'm currently in São Paulo, which is a little far from the action, but I'll keep my eyes open anyway. I haven't heard anything about UFOs around here though, but I'll see if the local news says anything.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 04:50 PM

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 07:55 PM
Why dont we see this # over here in Holland.
Im reading of all these mass sightings everywhere around the globe the last couple of weeks but nothings happens in my small little lovely country.

I wanna see it to.

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