posted on Feb, 17 2004 @ 02:02 AM
Yeah...Terms and Conditions blah blah blah....hooey... a Super Mod, and a member of ATS for 4 years, I'll let you in on the 'inside goss' as to what would sure as crud get your butt a warn:
Dissing whatever brand of beer I drink
...this can be problematic, as the more I drink, the drunker I get and my tastebubs stop I tend to try drinking all manner of different
beers. Best bet though is NOT to diss Hieneken till after 9pm, you're pretty safe up to that point in time.
Supporting Australian Rugby
That gets you a warn outright. Support Australian Rugby when Aussie is playing AGAINST New Zealand and thats a BANNABLE offence in my
opinion...compounded by the fact I will also likely be drunk while watching the game and you will (and neither will I) have any idea what brand of
beer I'd be consuming.'re be screwed.
Not sharing your pizza with me
Count yourself lucky to only get warned...I'm be more inclined to slap you and run off with it...but meh, all I can is give you a warn.
Listening to Britney Spears
Sorry...but the insanity must stop...she's a hottie and all, but her voice is on par with that made by a 3 year old cat that has poked its head into
a meat-grinder.
Laughing at Netchickens Pyjamas
His mom bought them for him. Don't laugh. He feels shame-faced enough having to wear them.
...other Admins/Mods have their own ideas of what constitutes a warn. Though - word to the wise - we are easily bribed with chocolate fish