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Special Comment: President Bush is a Liar and a Fascist

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posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 12:13 AM
I want everyone to really listen to what Keith Olbermann has to say on this, even if you don't like the man give his comment a chance, just hear him out. I for one applaud him for not only sticking his neck out, but also for standing up for us, the people, who it seems have lost our voice and our minds within the last 8 years.

I for one agree with Mr. Olbermann we, the American people, have to step up, stop buying into the daily fear mongering of our current government and media. When we buy into the fear don't we essentially give into the "Terrorist's" that we’re lead to believe threaten our way of life. Isn't this exactly what they wanted? Our nation torn asunder by fear and greed. The only difference is that instead of them destroying our way of life and our country, we are doing it for them.

It appears the Democrats will let the FISA bill lapse on Saturday February 16, 2008. If you listen to Bush it is going to bring doom and gloom to us all. What Bush doesn't/won't say is that spying powers are still effective on any suspected threat to America for a full year, the only difference will be the telecoms companies will no longer have immunity from the law. But, it appears Bush would rather turn his back on the American people to save his corporate buddies.

Maybe the Democrats are finally starting to listen to us, the people, or maybe, just maybe they have caught on to the lies, disinformation, support of what appears to be the textbook example of fascism and continued fear mongering coming out of the White House, and even they, yes the seemingly bought and paid for democrats, have had enough.


posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 12:18 AM
Keith olbermann gives me the warm fuzzies when he makes special comments

Think what you want of him but he is the only one who really speaks out and doesnt bow down to TPTB.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 12:41 AM
Oberman is a nut job, period!
We've been hearing that Bush will bring us doom and gloom for seven years now and yet StarBucks keep cropping up on every neighborhood.
I'm confused.

The fact is, Islamic terrorists have been around a lot longer than Bush has been Prez. In fact, dubya had not even picked his nose at Texas Ranger's stadium when this country suffered its first Islamo terrorist attack, so who knows what Oberman was doing at the time, probably delivering pizza.

All I can say is you'll probably be missing Georgie one year from now, and so will Keith.

this country is a lot stronger than you think, it will even survive four years of Barrack Hussein Obama.

Hell, even France has seen the errors of its Liberal/Socialist past

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 12:51 AM
You know what, you are entitled to your own opinon, and I disagree.

I did NOT read this thread's posts, and will not. Why, because of it's title.
Bush despite his short coming shrubery.

Well If I make no sence u2u me and lets figure it out, aight.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by Alxandro

Do you have any idea what you're talking about? 'Cause I sure don't.

The thrash at Obama, Olberman being a nut, or anything else in your post make absolutely no sense.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by BLAZ3D

Good video, I suggest everyone watch it.

I especially found interesting the part where, and I actually remember him saying this, that w/o a FISA bill, basically people could die, but he will veto and FISA bill that doesn't protect the phone companies.

Willingness to sacrifice human lives to protect phone companies.

GW, you are a real piece of work (I'd say something else here, but I'm trying to avoid getting banned)

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 02:35 AM
All I can say is give it time and you will understand.

I'm just saying the thread is a waste, since Bush is on his way out. It's doom and gloom rehash of what we've been hearing over the last seven years yet we've still managed to survive.

You think things are bad now, wait till you see what George Soros will do to this country with the next administration he is ringing in.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 03:45 AM
Advisor: I don't understand what the problem is with the thread is simply a direct quote from the video. If you want to be mad or disagree, then call MSNBC and Keith Olbermann, it is certainly not the OP's fault.

For the sake of argument, let's look at what the thread title says. Mr Bush is a Fascist and a Liar. Well, I think Liar is a VERY fair statement to make. His lies are a matter of public record. Just look at how many lies he verbalized himself when he wanted to invade Iraq. Just look at last week when he said the economy was "strong". Calling G.W. Bush a liar is not even a debatable issue in my eyes.

What about a fascist? The Free Online Dictionary defines Fascist as

1. often Fascist An advocate or adherent of fascism.
2. A reactionary or dictatorial person.

Interesting huh? So what is Fascism? Webster defines it as

1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

In my eyes, I don't see the problem with the thread title. Seems pretty accurate to me.

Back on topic: Keith Olbermann was right on the money with his commentary and even lays out a perfect case for why Bush is full of kaa kaa. He (Bush) says we need FISA to protect Americans, but promises to Veto any FISA bill that does not grant immunity to phone companies. If we need FISA to be safe... then wouldn't he sign the bill even if it does not grant immunity? Wouldn't "protecting the people" be more important than protecting the phone companies? So by refusing to sign the bill are you not refusing to "protect the people" who you are sworn to serve? Bush's lies and hypocrisy is now out in the open for all to see. Behold his glory!!

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