posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 07:28 PM
firstly, Congradulations to the administrators, on a most excellent site.
Secondly, G'day to all the users of ATS
I am a believer. I am based in Tasmania, Australia, and I investigate UFO sightings and Paranormal events for a small group here.
I have seen things that go beyond common sense and science, and i have reported and investigated many sightings and events. I am constantly
researching into the rich UFO and paranorrmal history of Tasmania and Australia, and I try to keep up with events around the globe.
I have registered with this site because, recently there has been a noticable rise in the number of reported events here, as I have noticed with the
rest of Australia and other parts of the world.
Some thing is happening, I think the more powerful governments know about this, and I think we are being left in the dark.
I wish to share experiences and reports with other interested parties, and this site seemed on of the better places to do that.