posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 05:41 PM
China has, without a shadow of a doubt, a terrible
human rights record.
They kill approximately 10,000 people each year under the guise of justice.
These people are killed for crimes such as fraud and corporate theft!
China also has an increasing problem with the abduction and trade of women and children.
This being the case:
1. How is it that China are hosting an Olympics?
2. Why is it that almost all tourist tat for sale in New York is Made In China?
3. Why is it that bride-selling companies such as China Love are deemed acceptable in the West (for example, ATS has China Love adverts as part of
it's Google Ad Sense tool)
1 and 2 - are still a puzzle to me I'm afraid.
3 - Am I the only one who percieves the selling of brides from one country to another as eerie? Epecially when the country where the bride is coming
from has desperate problems with the abduction and trade of women and children?
Mod Help: Doh! - Can this be moved to Social Issues please. Ta.
[edit on 14/2/2008 by skibtz]