posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 01:44 PM
Okay....there is a computer geek tearing down a lot that has be behind my house ever since we moved here!!!!
I'm really angery because he tearing it down to put to small dogs in! And the lot is a mile long! All those old neat trees gone....bye-bye! cut down
to make room for a fenced in area for two little dogs!
I mean, he alredy cut up another lot on the other side of his house to put in a detached garage! he could have built a kennel on the other side of it
for his dogs but no...he had to buy the lot behind our house and put in a fenced in area for his dogs!
I know he has money, He has a Porche (sp) for gods sake! But I just don't think it is right for him to cut down that lot just to put some dogs in!
Because when that was there it blocked the sound of a new road that they but in last year....when he cuts it all down there is going to be alot of
noise now!
I just wish that he would get it thought his head there is other people who live here....he isn't the only one! I mean if he had even more money I
would think that he would tear down this whole neighborhood and turn it in to one big wast land and a dog park!
When I was little I used to play back there....that's one reson I'm ticked off! The other reson he it cuting down all the trees and not leaving any!
he isn't even staying in his property line! he is even cuting trees down on OUR line! and there is nothing that we can do about it! and all this for
his dogs! he is even going to fix it so the only thing that grows there is grass!
By the time you guys read this the lot will be gone, and turned into a big dog run and we will be stuck looking at a tree-less lot behind our house
and listioning to cars zoom by on the new road!
Why do peope have to do this? It's just sad...I can't beleave people are that greedy....