posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 12:53 PM
Are these stories true, can they be verified?
If not, then yes, they have a creepy factor.
If they are - then as for the first one, what you said on acidhead's thread about ghosts not liking change makes it pretty believeable, especially
due to the nature of the activity relating closely to the old man who died there.
As for the second one, it's important to remember that it's possible for over-active imaginations to transform random sounds on a bad tape into a
voice and words. However, if there's no way that this was the case, then I don't think it's terribly likely that it was really his wife. Of course,
there's many theories about where we go when we die, and who knows; they might have gone to heaven or some other wonderful place, and wanted him to
join them! But still - what kind of a wife would encourage her husband to kill himself? Not so loving, methinks. I hate to refer to a television
programme here, but it's a good (albeit fictional) example to explain my point. Do any Buffy watchers remember in either season 6 or 7, when an evil
force took the form of Tara and appeared to Willow, encouraging her to kill herself? The point is; who's to say it was really his wife and not some
bad evil demony thing tempting him to commit suicide
Either way, interesting read. Thanks Mikomi