posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 01:07 AM
Clozaril is the only medication fda approved to treat patients with schizophrenia who have not responded to antipsychotic medication.
If you have a good relationship with your doctor then trust him
It is also the only fda medication approved for the treatment of recurrent suicidal behavior in people with schizophrenia or schizoaffective
I am betting that you have run through just about every drug and drug combo available for him to want to try this treatment.
This drug works great for many many people. He may just want you to use that clinic to expidite your test results to avoid harmful side
effects.Sometimes it takes time to shuttle results between clinics.
This medicine does requires a commitment from both you and your dr. Weekly then monthly blood draws are for a very rare blood diorder, but it
is mandatory for the doctor to maintain your blood count records. Another rare side effect is heart issue for the first month or so, but
because the dose is started low and then upped (like most psyke drugs) that is why so many blood tests.
other side effects are simular to just about any other drug you have tried: weight gain, dry mouth, weird dreams, leg cramps,dizzyness when first
starting it and you know all the others.
It comes down to you need a doctor and if you trust this doctor go for it, if you are not sure of this doctor then find one you are sure of.
good luck