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"The Day Your Earth Stood Still"

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posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 03:54 PM
Their is a BET GOING ON OUT THERE that we will reach our creation abilities through a technnological means or a physical TRANSCENDANCE MEANS.

Both External Creators and Internal Creators are having BETS to see which side finds Godlike potential first.

Should be interesting.

[edit on 13-2-2008 by menguard]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 04:01 PM
In the end the only thing we are rooting out are ourselves.

How many wonderful different facades or bodies can we exist in; too experience outside ourselves a time of Eternity.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 05:29 PM
The number of frequency bands, galaxies and dimensions, is beyond a scape of input righ now, but infinite is its measure.

Our sun is an atom, that is how small we are in the scheme of things..

Think how many different forms we can take while being recycled somewhere else. How many different cooridinates are involved in all there is to exist in, while you exist in it, it is being refined.

Think of eventually becoming your own planet, your own star, your own sun, your own Universe. That is the potential that exists out there and more.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 05:39 PM
Or maybe you could be the intelligence of a Black hOLE sucking up old platforms that are no good in that sector of space anymore.

You could be a quazar shinning brighter then a hundred suns.

You could be the electric charge of space holding everything in its place.

Our awareness can lie in whatever we choose it to be in.

The choices are endless.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 06:17 PM
What if I told you we are in GOD right now, with no seperation from communication, we are in a dark world expressing ourselves, words formulating space to be a part of.

We are all connected in the dark space of life. Life a costume guaranteed no in our out but a threat to the mind to unfold.

All images imprinted into this false reality called truth from our grasp of the mind, repeating itself with endless chattter. In the light their is no silence but truth. It's in the feeling of non forgetfullness.

I exist so you can exist, without my being their is no existance, suffice to say, 'I exist for you so you may know me.'

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 06:29 PM
I Create around me so I know I have creations within me, there is no void of time, just freedom from being spent. Life comes in waves with lifeless bodies lay, I free your past so you can see my future, I lay with no body but I assure you I create, I free no man for man is not for my taste, endless seems the possiblities of the future, with insurmountable feelings I lay.

Being is the existance of a feeling of life, if life is a feeling what do I say about the night, I feel no remorse for my actions, but I see their is a path of destruction before where do I lay but in the arms of the frost left in the wind carrying me to the light.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 08:57 PM
Wow manguard, a lot of posts!!!

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:52 AM
Some Thoughts About What Is Actually Happening to Our World

Try searching on You Tube for OVNI and then check out the video taken by the Italian military of a flying object that can move sideways, up, down and well, any direction without banking or exhibiting other "affects" of uni-directional acceleration. This video is so clear that it is possible to see the saucer flip its energy sources around (this is what is causing the blur or "shape-shifting" seen in many UFO videos).

Search for OVNI in Lima, Peru last summer and you will discover an actual FLEET of non-terran flying vehicles passing over downtown Lima in plain site in broad daylight. They are very very clear and were seen by huge numbers of people.

Finally, search for quantum physics videos on You Tube and begin to understand the potential of energy and why what we believed about many things is very incorrect. Our knowledge of time, space and consciousness is very limited compared to other beings.

Try simply opening your mind and asking to be shown what is possible. You might be surprised. Don't concentrate, just open like a flower and ask to see.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 03:05 AM
Now i really liked all that. Its along the lines of how i see things. But, when reality breaks down, it is scary, and i think i am not ready for that yet, not till im dead i think. When i was in that state of mind", the i saw one pure white light in the middle of everything. Like a beam of energy, that was never starting, and never ending. and "clouds" of reality belowed forth from this light. And where i was at that moment was so small and insignificant, it was almost overwhelming. I felt that i was very old" so to speak, and that i was something different before. I was human in a past life, i just feel it was a long time ago. I did soemthing or wanted somethig, and for that, i am now human. I feel like when i finally open up fully to that area (i dont feel ready to do so) that i will never be able to go back to the normal life i have. is that abnormal? or just crazy....

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by menguard

Sorry, menguard, I didn't understand what you were trying to say...
Could you sum it up with a single sentence, in a single post?

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