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Cross-reference: "Ufology v 9/11 Truth Movement - Differences?"

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posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 09:20 AM

I've posted a thread in the "Aliens & UFOs" forum on a subject which overlaps with the "9/11 Conspiracies" forum.

As helpfully suggested by one of our Moderators (Skyfloating), I am therefore posting a cross-reference in this forum to that thread so that people that only read the "9/11 Conspiracies" forum are aware of the existence of that thread.

That thread is: "Ufology v 9/11 Truth Movement - Differences?".

For ease of reference, I'll post the content of the Opening Post below - but I'd suggest that any discussion takes place in the one thread, i.e. in the thread at the link above.

Kind Regards,


Originally posted by IsaacKoi
As part of the work I've been doing in relation to 9/11 conspiracy theories (including compiling a "Free 9/11 Researcher Starter Pack" along similar lines to my popular "Free UFO Researcher Starter Pack", I'm interested in performing a serious and critical comparison of ufology and the 9/11 truth movement

I'd be interested in hearing from members of this Forum whether they consider there are similarities and (more particularly) differences between the methodology and personalities of UFO researchers/believers on the one hand and non-OCT 9/11 conspiracy researchers/believers on the other?

Here are some possible differences for consideration. (I'd be interested in hearing whether my perceptions are shared or not by others on this Forum.)

(1) There is some polling data to suggest that there is a positive correlation between affirmative answers to the questions "do you believe UFOs are real?" and intelligence/education, while my research so far into similar polling data on 9/11 (which I'm still looking into) suggests that people with only a high school education are especially likely to suspect federal involvement in 9/11.

(2) I think ufologists are remarkably poor advocates for their subject (e.g. referring to their opposition as "skeptics" and "debunkers" - when many outside ufology consider "skepticism" to be a good thing), whereas "Truthers" are generally better at presenting themselves (e.g. the frequently repeated comment that the mainstream view is actually a conspiracy theory itself, involving a conspiracy between Islamic fundamentalists).

(3) The material considered - Ufologists have a mass of official documentation to locate and consider. "Truthers" have, relatively speaking, far less such material. Ufology generally involves issues relating to the accuracy of the perceptions of eye-witnesses. 9/11 conspiracy research generally involves issues relating to the accuracy of media reports and the statements of “experts”.

(4) Several UFO researchers have written about several ufologists that hold right-wing views etc, but the prevalence of such views amongst 9/11 "Truthers" seems to be more widespread. I've seen several websites by leading figures in the 9/11 "Truth Movement" which discuss Jews and/or Zionism in terms I find extremely disturbing.

(5) I have come across evidence of serious concern among intelligence/law enforcement agencies in the USA and UK that those that promote, or subscribe to, 9/11 conspiracy theories may be ripe for recruitment by terrorists. Also, some of the relevant conspiracy theories actually originated with terrorist groups or their backers. I'm not aware of anything similar occurring in relation to ufology...

(6) Duration of discussion: Theories about UFOs have been discussed in the media since (at least) 1947, i.e. for over 60 years, with new material for discussion emerging on a daily basis - including new eye-witness reports and new government documents. 9/11 happened relatively recently, with conspiracy theories emerging shortly after that event. I find it doubtful that 9/11 conspiracy theories will be discussed with as much vigor in 50 or 60 years time (although it must be said that many thought in the 1940s-1960s that ufology was a fad that would soon die out or be resolved by government disclosure or the emergence of conclusive evidence...).

(7) Significance of video documentaries : Perhaps it is simply a matter of the time-frame during which both debates have occurred, but video documentaries have had little impact on ufology relative to their significance in the 9/11 debate. From my reading of material relating to 9/11 conspiracy theories in the media and online, it appears to me that certain video documentaries (particularly Loose Change) have greatly increased interest in the relevant theories. There have been numerous books and numerous video documentaries about both ufology and 9/11 conspiracy theories, but the video documentaries seem to be far more significant in the history of the debate regarding 9/11 conspiracy theories. The 9/11 debate has seen video documentaries produced in direct response to other documentaries (most significantly, Screw Loose Change in response to Loose Change and Farenhype 9/11 in response to Farenheit 9/11) - I'm not aware of anything similar within ufology.

During the last day or so, I've posted the above list of potential differences on two "Truther" forums. The comments I received on those forums contend, in summary, that:

(a) My questions indicate I am a "government person doing a study" and/or "doing active work for one of those 'think tanks' ";

(b) The 9/11 community has little, if anything, in common with the ufological community. (If that assertion is true, why do so many books and websites (including this one) cover BOTH topics?)

(c) The 9/11 Truth movement, unlike ufology, "hasn't got a Rockefeller pumping money into it from its outset, deciding its direction".

I'm still actively searching for additional polling data relating to, amongst other things, the intelligence/education levels of supporters of 9/11 conspiracy theories (to compare with a mass of data I've collated during recent years relating to polls which asked questions about UFOs).

Any comments or suggestions would be most welcome.

Kind Regards,

Isaac Koi

[edit on 12-2-2008 by IsaacKoi]


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