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How to survive the NWO

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posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 12:57 PM
The government has spent tons of money into constructing their underground bases. There is a reason why they are located "underground". That is to say they will be immune to events happening above the surface. If you guys believe the Revelation description, there will be famines, pestilences, wars, floods. Disease will not get to the elite since they are isolated underground. Famines will not affect them either because they will sure as hell have stored more than enough food for their greedy selves. Wars will be mainly fought on the surface so nuclear bombings, tanks, guns cannot even touch them. Floods/earthquakes can possibly shatter their structure, but the bases are INTERCONNECTED. Which means if there is a problem, they can immediately mobilize to a different sector. Not to mention that these bases are all about 2 miles below the surface.

The sad news is, the common populace does not have such luxuries to survive the NWO. We WILL be susceptible to the ongoing famines, pestilences, nuclear wars, floods/earthquakes, among many other disasters. Our highest chance of survival lies in being isolated from highly populated centers such as large cities, as they will have the highest rate of spreading disease (some as yet to be released that are secretly being developed). Stores and warehouses will be confiscated by the government for own purposes, so finding food in a city will be next to impossible. Remember that a very important point in the NWO agenda is to rid most of the world population. Where are most people located? In the dense cities of America. They could pull the strings in any direction (after all, they OWN all of them) and nuke many of these locations under the guise of either foreign conflict/terrorism. They also have invented devices which can control the weather or "natural disasters". Just look at Hurricane Katrina and the 2004 Tsunami happening on Dec. 24th. It's no coincidence that on that exact day hundreds of thousands of people died. Remember, they worship Satan (hence the 666), and they absolutely LOVE to send subtle messages about their intentions (Rx symbol for pharmacy has a serpent wrapped around a staff).

Basically, your best bet will be to leave these "comfort zones" before the massive killings begin (I'm not sure when this will happen) because they will transform into centers of death. I suggest that we all develop a survivalist mentality as soon as possible so we can leave at a moment's notice far away from these places targeted for genocide. Away from large bodies of water and coastlines would be helpful too (duh!).

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 01:36 PM
Any other ideas on how to survive? Does living on a boat sound feasible?

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 09:25 PM
I may be talking to myself here, but this is what I have in mind:

1) Place your faith in God.

The way things are happening, it seems that the New World Order is following the Bible's Revelations chapter quite closely. If that is the case, choosing to accept God might reserve us a place in heaven after our deaths.

2) Become a survivalist.

Learn self-sufficiency about how to survive in the wilderness using only the environment and the few essentials you have packed with you. Stay far away from urban centers of chaos. If the verse about Christian martyrs is true, where every last true Christian will be hunted down to be slain before an angel proclaims that "IT IS DONE", then at least we will have avoided the initial calamities that the sheeple are victims to and also get to have ETERNAL LIFE! However, if we don't die (cuz we're so badass/lucky), then our preparation will not have been in vain.

It's a win-win situation by doing both these things. If we live, we win. If we die, we still win.

But there is the third possibility that religion is a lie and we could have chosen to be willful slaves instead. Not a very attractive thought. In that case, we STILL WIN since we have not given away our liberty and died defending our freedoms by doing whatever we were doing before we were killed.


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