Sorry M.O.D.S>
This is the thread I've been looking for.
OP if your really who you say you are.... LOL
I am disgusted with people who just want to be the first to cry BUNK.
If a small fracton of them had seen anything close to what a few of us have seen, then we, well we wouldn't have anything to talk about, would we?
In my almost 50 years of life, I've seen some things that make absolutely no sense. (Besides my kids)
Not the usual life things we all usually marvel over, but weird things that I know shouldn't fly as far as my understanding of aerodynamics goes.
(very limited)
I would hope that most know that something as simple as an F-4 is not supposed to fly, but given enough power, the aero-geniuses can make a brick
Back to the original thought.
I've seen a Very large ship over the middle of Brooklyn immediately before the black-out of 1964.
Keep this post going and I'll tell some morre about what i've seen.
No, I'm no If people want to check me out, I'm a decorated veteran and, though I don't know how to, can prove it if somebody can walk me
throught he steps of scannin, pasting, etc.
I don't have the sexy stories of zx or other ex-employeeys of area-51.
I was just a regular Sailor, the only thing being that I worked a graveyard shift and there was some weird shi7 in the air.