posted on Feb, 15 2004 @ 07:53 PM
It's strange somehow. We all know that this world will come to an end, and everything seems to happening now. It's like. We know that atleast one
third of the world will die and one prophecy wickeder than the other fulfills eachother like the footsteps of something which is coming closer and
closer. We know where it's gonna blow, and we know that it's gonna blow hard, but most people here on the board still live in that area of the world
it seems. If let's say Yellowstone should blow soon, and someone told exactly when this would happen here on the board, would any of you believe it?
Or would you still focus on the magic color of the Sundial on Mars and Sol's days and Pan whatever else they may have of Roman gods up there and
study every detail in their images and whatever on Mars (why do they call those rocks by the names of Roman gods anyway? I can't see any of them has
done anything to be worthy of such honor) or wherever it is they are shooting or shot that show, laugh about that crazy flop of a guy and carried on
like normal? I don't think one single person had moved out of the Americas. And what about food supply, fresh water, painkillers whatever needed to
survive in such a long lasting Ragnarok? This makes me feel empty.
Just a thought......