A thread where lifers can indulge and report and discuss those mission elements that are of note. It's almost 9:30AM Flight Day 3 (FD3) for the 122.
Those with an interest already know the history. NASA has some links for those who like to get up to orbital velocity on 122. Anyway, I like this crew
and want them to have a great safe trip and attach Columbus.
A few things, JMHO, the launch had some trouble just before SRB sep to orbit, no one asked from the media about an SME shutdown.
MECO events set off an alarm (I heard 2) explained as a tripped cabin pressure transducer.
The External Tank spewed something large and so bizzare looking... just don't have a clean explanation about that. The media asked softball questions
and where was James O? Hope he's AOK. I caught his questions on Cassini.
The STS cameras are not working as well as other flights... or, whatever. So of the B&W imagery off the OBSS was really trippy. Same stuff different
flight. Got an APU problem... heatin' up on number 3. They just shut it down (no biggie).
Little CO2 problem after the first on-orbit burn, cautions and warnings and klaxon... some nimrod forgot to remove the handling tape on the
lithium-dioxide cartridges. Mint, private contractor? Choice words were uttered and a "stay vector" from Mission control was given... followed by
Mr. Announcer guy breaking in... anyway the crew pulled the tape off and the CO2 sitch is nominal.
A number of "stay vectors" that don't make sense have gone up from MC and comms are "light" just like maybe since about approximately
guesstimating STS-115.
Got a rad hose problem too... won't be an issue until they go to close the doors... just a coolant hose routing and stowage hassle, it's more or
less a "memory" issue with the flex hose.
Starboard OMS pod looks to have a divot or mabe a just a shiney spot... imaging people will be done tomorrow... maybe. Um, there is a whole lot of
"stuff" near the 122 "junk and ice and crap and bits of spaceship". Nothing unseen on other flights. Docking with ISS coming up.
I'm not sure I can post the sat track graphics on ISS, STS and USA 193 cuz they are on other websites... or the UTC shadow map so one can tell
what's up day/night wise. No big deal. It's being documented.
Let's just say at times the more or less "live" NASA-TV feed groundtrack doesn't "always" match the groundtrack at n2yo.com. It isn't that big
a deal how close they are... That site allows one to put up mutiple objects.
There are some logistic challenges on ISS to do with video routing and a de-muxer... no problem. Atlantis has BNC cable on onboard they can leave.
RPM at 11:23EST, a 3/4 of a degree per second backflip.
Post what you think might be of note.
EDIT: To add that NASA MEDIA channel on the Net has gone offline at 9:50M EST. The NASA-TV feed to the Net is still up.
Here's a NASA link to the TVSked rev A by Karen Svetaka... I'd lnk the PDF but NASA doesn't allow that with their new site code,
the link.
Says, the docking may not be televised... hmmm.
[edit on 9-2-2008 by V Kaminski]