I rarely use my cell phone except for emergencies and usually don't even have it turned on. So imagine my surprise today at receiving about 5
unsolicited spammer texts to it in rapid succession.
Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen?
The texting is also strange. It looks like a string of 'cat-on-the-keyboard' gibberish in the title. I didn't look at the number and just nervously
deleted them.
I'm pretty sure you get charged for anyone texting you.
Figured if anyone else had this they may have found a solution or who was doing it.
Unsolicited phone calls, text messages, emails... I hate them! Hell, don't even approach me in public if I don't know you. If I need sales
assistance, I will find you.
Maybe I'm just anti-social. Maybe I'm just sick of being overloaded with unsolicited messages and information.
In Hong Kong there is a number you can call to make sure your mobile number is not on any advertisers lists, but I still get the odd one or two a
Over here you don't pay to receive a txt, but that's here. And they're always in Chinese so I can't read them anyway... Delete.
No biggie, unless you have some crazed dyslexic stalker!!