posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 11:33 AM
the only think i know about their electrical grid crises,
is that all the major gold miners had to shut down operations
a week or so back, because the power supplyer cond not guarantee uninterrupted service..
Anglo Gold and Gold Fields shut dow mine shaft operations and could
only provide emergency water bilging so as to keep the mines from flooding...
there were NO people going into that dangerous situation no matter the
price of mined gold.
Since about Tuesday the 5th of February '08, the electric provider
has guaranteed uninterrupted powe to the mines...
i don't know if mining is on the 1st for service list, they're probably on a third tier of service, aftere police, hospitals, publc transportation
and the like..
so, in answer, I have no idea of where S.Africa is in regard to their electric grid infrastucture and service, or controlled rolling blackouts.
But i did know that
SA is a major miner of coal, and the Chinese need coal to run 70% of their factories and are willing to pay $100. ton