posted on Dec, 17 2002 @ 05:18 PM
Savonarola Argentina went the way it did because it privatized everything except the Military and Government agencies from the judicial on up.
That was a big mistake as private industry reacts to losses by hiding their losses in a never-ending hope that somehow some way something will
workout. And when that does not happen well, we all know about Enron.
A can of coke for $80 is stretch water, high fructose
Corn syrup, caffeine, coloring and tin (as well as other ingredients) are in abundance. The implication that "the public trust" was meant as the new
standard (mentioned in the Nixon days) is misinformation.
In support to your suggestion would point out that in relation to mineral wealth is general we are starting to loose ground. And this is more due to
the irresponsibility of certain nations (USSR and Communist China).
Fact of the matter is it is too expensive, to build a home with a steel frame. Cars are mostly tin now and plastics are slowly but surely replacing
every product that used to be made of glass and metals. At our current rate of consumption its likely that by the year 2050 your will see the first
plastic car in the United States (actually you can by one like that in Russia and it has a porcelain engine).
We are running out of recources Savronela but all hope is not lost. We just need to get our act together and grow up (as a world society).
What are your thoughts?