posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 04:46 PM
For anyone wishing to have the quickest read, start at page 13, through to 19...Henderson's letter to the military with all his questions and then
the military's reply.
Henderson Briefing June 1958. 19 pages. Some unreadable…some handwritten.
Pdf pg 2-3 Memorandum of the outcome of the Air Force addressing Congress on the topic of UFOs since so many of the Congress had been bombarded
with letters etc from the public, detailing their interest and concerns about UFOs. Major Boland and Major Tacker both of SAFLL addressed 8 members of
Congress in Rep. Henderson’s chamber in response to Henderson’s personal request. The outcome was that congressmen were impressed with the
briefing and felt they now had the knowledge with which to go back to the people.
Pdf pg 5-8 are the handwritten notes. Some words and phrases are readable..most not.
Pdf pg 9 short military document also unreadable and has some blacked out areas including who its from and whose attention it was for.
Pdf pg 10-11 a memo from Col. Gilbert to Major Tacker explaining he was sending information from Project Blue Book over to support the
congressional briefing and Maj. Byrne received a copy.
Pdf pg 12 Letter from Major Tacker to Mr Arcier of Air Technical Intelligence Center
Requesting “10 of the best sightings in the last five years which have been classified as ‘unknowns’.” This request was to be used for the
Henderson briefing.
Pdf pg 13-14 is a letter from Henderson to Hon.Neil McElroy Secretary of Defence DoD.
The letter asks many questions about UFO’s including what follow-up investigations have been made into the authenticity of the sightings plus what
information is available of allies’ sightings. The letter has the request of the 10 best sightings in the last five years.
Pdf pg 15-19 is a joint messageform from Commander, ATIC to Major Tacker, with copies to: Dr Miley, Col. Gilbert, Mr Arcier, Major Byrne.
This message holds the answers to Henderson’s letter of pg 13-14.
Of interest in this jointmessage: pg 17 “For example, Geiger Counter sweeps of some aircraft involved with alleged UFO’s at high altitudes shows a
slightly higher radioactivity than normal. Reason: Aircraft receive a greater dosage of cosmic rays at high altitudes. Example: Mantell Case, (which
apparently prompted this query).”
Pg 15-16: “Before answering questions or providing info,….a few facts concerning Ruppelt and his book…as it appears to be basis for
congressional request….Mr Ruppelt’s theories, opinions and conclusions are his own and not necessarily those of the Air Force.
His book was reviewed and passed on by Hqs USAF from a security viewpoint only. While most of the statements in his book are factual, the inferences
and implications that he attempts to leave are definitely questionable.
As project officer of UFO program, Ruppelt had good knowledge and appreciation of various technical and scientific fields…However, he was not an
expert in highly specialized fields such as astrophysics, meteorological optics, psychological influences…”