posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 03:36 PM
contact case in the Superstition Mountains area:
Location. Near Apache Junction, Arizona
Date: March 14 1971 Time: night
Two young men, Brian Scott and Nick Corbin, were in the Superstition Mountains, near Apache Junction, to gather snakes. During the night, a light was
seen coming over the mountains; it approached, and the next thing they knew, they were hastily leaving the campsite, following an unexplainable lapse
of time. Five years later, under hypnosis, Scott described how the object, emitting a purplish light from underneath, approached and hovered over
them. He felt a “pulsating, pulling feeling” and the two young men were “lifted” up into the craft. Inside, they were separated, and Scott was
led by a 7 ft tall entity down a corridor to a door which, upon approaching, “shattered;” inside, in a small room filled with mist, he encountered
4 or 5 similar creatures, 7 foot tall and with grayish skin similar to that of a crocodile, and with 3 fingered hands. Scott was stripped and placed
against a wall panel very brilliantly lighted; the room was cold and the mist emerged from vents in the floor. A machine directly in front of him
appeared to “scan” him, and a new entity, this one 9-foot tall, communicated telepathically with him, and asked why he was afraid. His mind was
briefly transported to, presumably, the being’s home planet. The beings that examined him had huge ears, no hair, and slit-like mouths; their feet
were elephant like, with three broad toes. When the examination was completed, Scott was reunited with his friend and returned to the ground, with no
conscious memory of what had taken place. However, both felt and unspecified terror of such degree that they immediately packed their gear and
returned to town. Brian Scott also learned that these beings had a method of “displacing” their ships through space by using a series of hops. The
spacecraft were guided in their trajectories by a number of space navigational beacons that are placed strategically throughout the galaxy.
Humcat 1971-12
Source: Al Lawson, Mufon, & Cufos, Dr. William McCall Type: G