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read this if you vote or fly by christopher bollyn

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posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 09:30 PM
Bollyn is coming out with some interesting info lately guys.

Understanding How a "Two-Way Data Pipe"
Hijacked the 9-11 Aircraft
and is used to Steal Our Elections
By Christopher Bollyn


mod edit: cap title

[edit on 2/6/2008 by kinglizard]

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 01:45 PM

All of these organizations, like NATO, the FBI, the White House, and the rest of the U.S. government and military computer systems run Ptech enterprise software, an Israeli-made enterprise software with surveillance and intervention functions, which gives the Israeli military intelligence COMPLETE access in real-time to all the data on these systems – across the whole U.S. government and military.

Think about that for a minute.

And you wondered how the "bad guys" know where our troops were going next in Iraq? Who needs spies when you have Ptech? (This is the subject of my current research.)

The comment praising the Israeli "robust two-way data pipe" to American aircraft came from Peter Goelz, of all people:

Your system of real time downloading of aircraft data meets a very real and pressing problem. Not only is it important from a safety and security standpoint it also has applicability for navigation and flight management. A robust two way data pipe from the aircraft to the ground and back could revolutionize the industry.
The key to your system is it initial simplicity, relying on tested almost off the shelf
components. That your concept is well on the way to securing a patent further strengthens
your proposal.

Very interesting for sure. Good post.

(waiting for debunkers to attack Bollyn now or rumourmill.)

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 03:34 PM
Hell yeah CB, keep the pressure on Israel. He caught the Chertoff Bros. in cahoots before. No he didn't, but he did get Ben's mom to SAY they were cousins which proved some debunkers-DHS link planned out over potato salad at family reunions. And who can forget Sam Danner? He came to Hufschmid first with his Global Hawk eyewitness story, but Chertoff championed it too, long believing the Pentagon was hit by a Global Hawk. AFP fired Bollyn for falsification just after Danner admitted he was never at the Pentagon. I'm sure Bollyn did other great things... he called a Rolls Royce plant in Indiana that makes a different engie from the RB-211, got them to admit the Pentagon FEMA photo engine disc part wasn't from the engine they made their, decided it also wasn't from a RB-211....

I haven't read this piece, and maybe CB's turned himself around. But not a good track record. Staunch anti-Zionist clown, perhaps paid by ADL to make a fool of himself. Who knows?

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 04:00 PM
Is this the same Christophera member here who began the "concrete core" stuff? I think that is him?

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic

I haven't read this piece, and maybe CB's turned himself around. But not a good track record. Staunch anti-Zionist clown, perhaps paid by ADL to make a fool of himself. Who knows?

IMO put forth directly from a Jew, it is acceptable and necessary to properly analyze and evaluate the ideology of Zionism. Zionsim is a human devised ideological mindset fully embraced for self-serving purposes, not a natural biological ethnicity.

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 05:22 PM
Agreed - tho the term A-Z often comes with add'l bad things (cartoon anti-semitism, idiocy) attached, Zionism is worth analysis and criticism from different angles. Re: Bollyn, read that statement again with emphasis on 'clown" and "paid," meaning to DISCREDIT anti-Zionism.

Griff: I dunno if that's christophera, tho I'd kinda doubt it.

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic
Agreed - tho the term A-Z often comes with add'l bad things (cartoon anti-semitism, idiocy) attached, Zionism is worth analysis and criticism from different angles. Re: Bollyn, read that statement again with emphasis on 'clown" and "paid," meaning to DISCREDIT anti-Zionism.

Griff: I dunno if that's christophera, tho I'd kinda doubt it.

Unfortunately, you connected the words anit-Zionist and clown giving it an a deceptive appearance to some of us reading it. Perhaps, that is not what you intended. However, that is the way I interpreted it when linked together.

As if staunch anti-Zionist is a highly negative term, which it is not, considering Zionism is a human created ideology, deliberately contrived to propagandize, force, and maintain complete control over others' thinking and actions. It began centuries ago with the ancient Hebrews per Torah and Talmud.

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