reply to post by reluctantpawn
That whole period is a facinating study in human behavior and manipulation of human behavior.
The jews trusted the goverment because they were the authorities one should turn to when they are assaulted or abused.
It's a dirty little secret but alot of things came out of the third reich ( sp ) that are still the " gold satandard" of today. For instance the
Volkswagen ( People car literaly translated) was developed and manufactured in responce to Hitlers promise to give every family in germany afordable
transportation. Alot of the labor used in the factories during WW2 was jewish slave labor. All that aside the brand is still around and the
simplicity of design and manufacturing were emulated by alot of companies after WW2.
Alot of horrific experimentation on live humans was conducted at the camps, but much of the information gathered from these experiments provided
seed technology for alot of the medical advancments we enjoy currently.
Himmlers technigues using propoganda and disinformation to manipulate public opinion was still taught at " The School of The Americas " when i was
an alumni.
NASA wouldn't exist except for the german scientists imported from Hitlers labs during " Operation paperclip".
Human nature is a funny thing. One thing that makes us so easy to manipulate is that most people can't imagine anyone being capable of things they
themselves are not capable of.
Just as a child can be lured into a van by a predatory monster, because the child is too innocent to imagine the things the human monster is
capable of.
Another thing to remember about the jewish community is that they are very steeped in the history and traditions of thier race and religeon.
Unfortunately for them thier history is also filled with stories of enslavment and persecution.
They made the perfect victims as they were in effect a culture of victims. Even thier God had on several occasions punished them in horrific
My interest started becuase I had 6 uncles involved in the invasion of europe. One died at Normandy, One was trained by the Brits as the first cadre
of the 75th Rangers ( my old outfit) 2 were with the "Big Red One " 1st infantry, and 1 was a gunner on a tank under Paton.
The 2 that were with the infantry and the 1 who was with Paton, all witness the condition of the Jews when the camps were liberated.
They actualy had a chance to see and talk with the survivors in the camps. many years later, as they would tell me of thier experiences during the
war these stone faced ex grunts would actuly sit and cry when discribing the inhumanity they had seen.
They spent decades not talking to anyone about thier time in the service, but they chose to share with me in order for me to learn by thier
expereince how to live with my own nightmares.
I agree, it's easy to see many parallels between Nazi Germany and now. It doesn't keep me awake at night, but it does cause me to keep my gear in
order, and an eye on current events.
There are a few people i trust with my back beacuse we have shared a history that has proven thier trustworthiness, but in general the only one I
trust completley is sitting at my key pad right now. ( and sometimes I have to wonder about him LOL )
Anyhow. good luck on your search for knowledge. As the sayings go " Those who do not study history are condemned to repeat it", and " for warned
is for armed "
As an after thought I know alot of folks in goverment are better educated than I am. That makes it hard for me to believe they are repeating errors
of the past without knowledge and forthought.