posted on Feb, 15 2004 @ 02:50 AM
good advice lobo!,
yes i do believe in is more than an interesting event for me, i've had one or two paranormal experiences before moving here which only myself had
witnessed, but since moving i've seen a lot of weird s***!.
When I see this figure I get really deep feeling of calm,
I'm a person that seems to be quite sensitive to energies in general, quick example when some people meditate they can actually feel the room around
them, I do not have to meditate to do this,
this sense has grown a lot stronger since beginning bioenergetic developement and meditation.
When the knocking and footsteps used to happen that WAS quite scarey, as I said one time I literally ran downstairs to the kitchen grabbed a machete
and torch and ran back upstairs, ready to chop up some burglars! and checked out the attic to no avail.
Now though for the past months this thing has appeared many many times, I do just get a feeling of calm and relaxation..... I just somehow know it
doesn't wish to harm anyone, people who have done building work in the house and friends have said they felt a chill running down their spines like
they know somethings there while in the hallway, but only me has ever really been frightened by it, i'm sure once or twice it HAS appeared behind me
while I'm walking through the hallway
and when it does happen you bloody KNOW its behind you!,
one of my little ones says she keeps seeing the face of the figure, funnily enough I was tellin my girlfriend this morning that i posted about the
ghost and we should burn down the house as we're runnin out the door, and the midge comes in out of the blue and says she sees the face of the figure
and its a man in the hallway