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UFO Caught whilst filming Farming Program (1971)

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posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 02:39 AM
WHere is the video of it stopping in mid air and the part where it zooms out of frame too quickly to follow? Is it in the original film and we just saw a short clip here?

Only interesting part of the video is when it appears to be stationary, and then starts to move leaving that contrail, but there really isn't enough information, and I'm not quite sure why the cameraman stopped filming something apperently so interesting.

Also , how quickly this camera man notices a small dot of light almost off-frame and stops filming the show just to pan and zoom into it seems suspect.

A look at the original video without youtube degredation would have helped. But there is simply not enough information out there to research on this event.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by uva3021

Where is the footage where he said that the object left with tremendous speed, or he was just making that stuff up? Why he didn't record that too? Did he stopped like all the ufo hoaxers would do in the middle of filming? eh?

It was obviously just an aircraft contrail.


Nothing extraordinary here. Move on.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 03:09 AM
at the end of the clip they show an F16 there were no F16's in 1971


posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by angelc01

This is one of those rare takes where hardly anyone or no one is able to lable hoax too!
A balloon does not do those manuvers
A jet does not stop in midair and leave that type of vaportrail.
An asteroid in the atmosphere does not traverse horizontaly.
Swanpgass you gotta be kidding

Like one of the members mentiond to bad there is not more with this, mabe someone on ATS can get more.

A star and a flag for the OP for such a great video , havent seen it before.
I wonder what the sceptics will call this one
Or will it be one of those mysterious threads where sceptics dont show up for some unknown reasons

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 05:18 AM
After carefuly analyzing this video, I have concluded it is NOT a cgi, but 16 F-16's flying in a very, very tight diamond formation.

[edit on 2-2-2008 by Breadfan]

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 05:40 AM
Oh heck! I couldn't get to open that vid. Missed all the fun, I guess!

But if we're seeing vapor trails here, then it's obviously a jet powered aircraft and NOT a so called flying saucer! Reasons:

> Considering the premise that UFOs are real, their propulsion systems are nothing like jet powered aircraft. Their propulsion systems probably work on the principle of 'gravity shielding' or an anti gravitational field that is generated by controlled flow of electromagnetic energy that creates a plasma bubble around the UFO. Therefore there are no 'sonic booms' / shock waves during transition over Mach 1.

> Vapor trails are produced by conventional jet aircraft due to the hot exhaust gases making contact with the cold air at fairly high altitudes resulting in condensation that manifest in long vapor trails.

> In 1971, one of the jet aircraft in service was the Harrier. This is a VTOL/STOL aircraft that has the capability of hovering like a chopper, and transiting from hover mode to conventional profile at the flick of a switch. It's quite possible that what we are seeing are Harriers in aerial maneuvers.

Well, my 2 cents!


posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

You really need to see the video, mike.

Whilst I agree that it does sound like a jet propelled aircraft from the description alone, the actual visuals disagree. It has a seriously thick contrail that starts from what appears to be a standstill, and as several posters have pointed out, it also appears to be spinning.

Originally posted by Macrotus
reply to post by uva3021

Where is the footage where he said that the object left with tremendous speed, or he was just making that stuff up? Why he didn't record that too? Did he stopped like all the ufo hoaxers would do in the middle of filming? eh?

It was obviously just an aircraft contrail.


Nothing extraordinary here. Move on.

Has the fact that this was captured during a piece to camera escaped you, Macrotus? A piece to camera that was intended as an article on a television show completely unrelated to UFOs? From memory, when I first saw this footage over twenty five years ago, it was of the same length.

And if it was "obviously" an aircraft trail, would you care to elaborate as to what type of plane caused it?

I am not excluding a perfectly rational explanation to this film, and we all have our opinions. But, I feel moved to say that short, uninformed and uninformative dismissals, such as yours, of what is still an unknown phenomena only furthers the spread of ignorance.

That is not why we're here.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 06:30 AM
this object is identical to the two objects I observed with my eye 2 summers ago.

100% appart from they were no contrails. one object a lot larger than a plane orangy white fuzzy circle or disc oval went right across the sky and stopped DEAD behind a small cloud whilst another one came again it too went behind the cloud and then they both proceded unto the horizon and out of visible range.

these things are no joke. and are in my mind the authentic UFO sightings.

Great Footage, Wish I had some.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 08:26 AM
I could have been an Earth grazing asteroid similar to the one filmed in 1972. A 'vapour' trail is difficult to explain as such, but it may be an effect of a very hot object passing through areas of atmosphere with low and high moisture contents. There appears to be more than one object on the same trajectory, which would support the idea of a fragmenting body/bolide. The apparent motion, stop/go could have been a line of sight optical effect associated with trail generation. Without the trail, it could have appeared stationary and then apparently moved rapidly due to the instananeous trail formation. There have been very few recordings of Earth grazers, but the 1972 event was filmed from several locations.

Here's one of them


posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by mikesingh
> In 1971, one of the jet aircraft in service was the Harrier. This is a VTOL/STOL aircraft that has the capability of hovering like a chopper, and transiting from hover mode to conventional profile at the flick of a switch. It's quite possible that what we are seeing are Harriers in aerial maneuvers.

Well, my 2 cents!


Although I have seen many strange and unexplainable things in the sky, things like the Harrier could stop in mid-air, and as most of us are aware, what we're generally told about is at least 10 years behind what actually exists, so this could be a more advanced version of similar aircraft technology.
I'm not saying that it is, but it's always worth bearing in mind.
I've not heard of many extraterrestrial UFOs leaving vapour trails, but who knows?
Maybe an attitude of open-minded scepticism is a safer bet here.
Great vid though.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 03:04 PM
I love this post.

NGC2736 just gave me 500 bonus points and an great big hand of thanks.

In case he/she is watching THANKS VERY MUCH.

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