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Director of 9/11 commission secretly spoke with Rove, White House

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posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 08:22 PM

Book: Director of 9/11 commission secretly spoke with Rove, White House

A book to be published next month contains an explosive allegation sure to call into question the independence of the 9/11 Commission: Its executive director secretly spoke with President Bush's close adviser Karl Rove and others within the White House while the ostensibly autonomous commission was completing its report.

Philip Zelikow, a former colleague of then-National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rice, was appointed executive director of the 9/11 Commission despite his close ties to the Bush White House, and he remained in regular contact with Rove while overseeing the commission, according to New York Times reporter Philip Shenon's new book, The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation. Shenon's book will not be released until Feb. 5, but author Max Holland purchased an audio copy of it at a New York bookstore and published a summary on his blog, Washington DeCoded.



There was a time when 'investigators', beyond complying with the law and as a matter of ethics, avoided even the appearance of impropriety.

I think the truth is that concept was thoroughly dead long ago.

[edit on 31-1-2008 by loam]


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