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Why was there only ONE live "news" helicopter shot of the SECOND WTC explosion?

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posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by thedman

So the fact that the nose coming out of the building is the exact same size and shape as the nose, and in the exact same plane and travelling at precisely the same speed, makes it an "engine" ?

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by ItsHumanNature
reply to post by thedman

So the fact that the nose coming out of the building is the exact same size and shape as the nose, and in the exact same plane and travelling at precisely the same speed, makes it an "engine" ?

A couple more things to point out about your "engine " theory:You can measure the image of the nose, and it is aroun 15 feet, How do you push something 15 feet in diameter through floor spaces measuring 10 feet? Also, according to the NIST report, the "aircraft" did not hit perfectly aligned in one floor space. It "hit" nearly dead on with a floor. You know , an 8" thick reinforced concrete slab, edge on.

The other item to point out is the fact that after magically appearing on the opposite side of the building intact, the nose just vanishes. It is perfectly visible for a dozen frames and then NOTHING but blue sky. Presumably your "engine" is of some advanced material that expands to 3x its original size when slicing though a building, then disapears, only to reappear later in the street under some scaffolding.
Great detective work.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by ItsHumanNature

Based on some of the conspiracy videos on Utube it was way
up north to dub in the plane and explosion.

Hey, works for me.

Was that FOX NEWS, maybe they were part of the insiders.

Ultimately or penultimately we can never say who the insiders are
because they won't tell us.

Stick with the inside job from Jesus Christ.
Its a better one.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
reply to post by ItsHumanNature

Was that FOX NEWS, maybe they were part of the insiders.

Ultimately or penultimately we can never say who the insiders are
because they won't tell us.

I think you are right.

They may never tell us. Just as Adolph Hitler and so many other mass murdering criminals have never written a confession as well.

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by blackthorne
actually, that is a good point! after the first impact, would there not be news and emergency helicopters buzzing around the it? would they not have been in a better position to see an incoming airliner and film it? pilots have to keep an eye on what is flying around them. and why didn't laguardia air traffic pick up and track an unresponsive plane heading in and reporting it to any one flying around at the time? damn good post!

Thanks for the reply. Many helicopters would certainly have gotten really good footage of what happened. Where is this footage? Why was only one shot broadcast live? You bring up a good point with the air traffic control issue. It is another aspect of this event that simply does not add up.

posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by ANOK

Originally posted by Hector
Is there a list of “no planers” somewhere on this forum? Is this the prevailing opinion here?

No but there is a lot of "no brainers"...

No it's not the prevailing opinion here, and what if it is? The last time I looked opinions were not illegal, not yet.

I believe there were planes but "no towers". The towers were the holograms, set up in the sixties to fool the world that NY was the financial center of the universe. So how's my hypothesis?

Great post ANOK I like your take on things. It is also worthy to point out that your hypothesis is about as believable as the official story.

[edit on 4-2-2008 by ItsHumanNature]

posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 08:03 PM
There were 4 or 5 live footage from helicopters that day.
The majority did not show any plane at all, one showed a small object reaching the tower. The only one almost correct was the famous nose out footage that was blacked out real time once they realized the little mistake made ooppsss. The rest of the Videos were released at a later time (like the diving bomber one).
An object actually hit the WTC it was a big missle but most of the damage was made by preplanted explosives. No hologram were used simply some real time CGI for a few shots.

By the way this is not a theory its a fact.

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by piacenza

Thanks for the post piacenza, Many videos wre indeed released later. The "dive bomber" video that you are talking about is I believe the "live" footage CBS aired, but it was taken from a fixed location.

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 05:05 PM

With all of this modern high tech equipment and every newsman within a hundred miles worth his salt trying to get a scoop on the biggest news story of their generation, exactly ONE shot of the second explosion was recorded and broadcast "live" from a helicopter. How is this possible?

Because the whole thing was TV fakery.

I watched the September Clues videos and compared what they brought up to my own recording of the day and sure enough what they brought up was apparent in my recording. Their is 5 different approach angles of the south tower plane. And only one "live" shot and that is the infamous nose in nose out footage. The blue screen operator messed up and camera drift was not accounted for. The planes you see hitting the building are CGI graphics. The hole in Pennsylvania is a strip mining scar. The whole thing is a media hoax meant to manipulate the people.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by ItsHumanNature

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
reply to post by ItsHumanNature

They may never tell us. Just as Adolph Hitler and so many other mass murdering criminals have never written a confession as well.

That brings up another conspiracy theory of Hitler being a insider.
As much as Bush might be today.

Some think the Hitler bunker story is bunk.
And did more negotiations than Doenitz did for the 7 day stalemate at the
end of WWII

If Hitler had the two A bombs we used on Japan, then Hitler is a hero
to insiders. But there can't be too many insiders only conspiracy

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