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Xbox fan kills toddler after she knocked over his console

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posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 08:27 AM

Xbox fan kills toddler after she knocked over his console

A man obsessed with video games killed his 17-month-old daughter when she knocked over his Xbox console after a six-hour playing session.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 08:27 AM
Video games, and reality clash in ways never thought possible.

There are several isssues here to be noted.

First of all the child probably wanted to gain the mans attention to interact with the child , thereby the child draws attention by knocking over the video game. Its a tried and true method for children all through time.

I also noticed the sub serface advertising for the xbox, as well as the game "Ghost Recon". Thumbs down to this writer. Is this really nessesary for me to know he was playing a particular game. This makes me as sick as reading the child was killed.
I see a disturbing trend with the young, and older generation to become lost in these games. I know kids who when they are told to go outside and find something to do, they look at me like I am crazy, or say what do you mean go outside???? They havent a clue what is going on outside there virtual world.
On the same note many fully grown men I have come across destroy there reality, and relationships by non-stop video game abuse. Is truly a addiction.
For a fully grown man to strike a child for anything is completely insane. I would look for more of this to take place.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 31-1-2008 by dntwastetime]

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 08:30 AM
Please I HATE it when people try to mix games with the real problem, it has nothing to do with games, stop trying to blame games lol.

The guy was a anger managment crazy man, he had problems, nothing to do with the game.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 08:33 AM
It's just a stupid idiot doing a stupid thing. We had an 18 year old girl beaten to death by two men over a game of Monopoly not too long ago. Story

These are the people that without all these socialist handout programs would just die off and leave us alone but nooooo we need to help every retard and psychopath make it to adulthood.

Let them drink bleach. Back when you could starve to death for being an idiot there were fewer idiots. Now they're all procreating at an alarming rate.

[edit on 31-1-2008 by thisguyrighthere]

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 08:45 AM
This topic is already being discussed in this thread:'

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 08:51 AM
I have to agree that this story is trying to sensationalize the aspect that he was playing video games, and saying that the reason he killed the child is because she knocked it over. The truth is this man is obviously a scum bag. He wasn't changed by playing games.

An autopsy showed that Alayiah had suffered a broken arm about two weeks before she died - an injury that city social workers did not see on two visits to the house in late August, when they found the baby well.

He sadly beat this kid to death because he snapped. Were video games a factor in this? Yes they were, but they did not cause it to happen. To blame this on an addiction to video games is to be blind to the real cause - this man is an angry selfish individual with previous evidence of abuse.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 08:57 AM
Crazed man kills toddler, very disturbing but as was pointed out this is already being thoroughly discussed here:

Father Kills Daughter Over Xbox Console

Please post further comments there

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