posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 03:16 AM
Sleep Paralysis my friend, about one in 10 is affected..
It works something like this. when you enter REM sleep your brain paralyses your body so you don't act out the actions of your dreams in bed. Now
sometimes you wake too fast out of REM sleep and your bodies still paralysed and it takes a minute or two for your brain to wake your body.
now because your inbetween dream states and being awake while this happens, you can halucinate and feel like your body is being pinned to the bed.
Alot of people claim to see either beings or people standing over them or leaving the room. Chances are your not even fully awake yet and your eyes
are still closed, so your brain creates a plausable explanation for not being able to move.
When I was a kid it used to terrify me, now i get it about once a month. When I do get sleep paralysis I just lay there thinking, oh no here we go
again, and put all my willpower into moving my fingers, once one thing moves, the paralysis usually breaks a few seconds after.
Some also say that Sleep paralysis occurs more amongst Lucid Dreamers.
you'll either grow out of it, or learn to like it
and that initial rush of fear/terror sure does get the adrenaline flowing.
there was a poster on here recently who believed that it may be due to dehydration, so try drinking a pint of water before bed. He may be right.