posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 06:51 PM
What lies outside the universe is more universe, or Universe-In-Potentia, waiting to be observed.
Since 'Universe' boils down to ultimately being a subjective illusion where everyone views it with their own spin (take this from a logical
extension of time and space being infinite, and that infinity is not just 'a very big number', not anything that can be enumerated, measured or
otherwise quantified), Universe becomes an experience and, because of the complexities of observation, becomes a shared experience because we can
agree on concepts like 'here' and 'there', 'now' and 'then' (which also cannot really exist except as relative observation within a concept of
So, our 'observed' universe expands at the speed of light, the speed at which the light at the 'edges' of Universe reach our eyes and become part
of our observations, part of our experience.
Think of it this way. Your entire existence has been spent in a room, a closed system, with no light, sound or other interpretable vibrations, getting
in or out. This is your universe. One day, you open a door and suddenly your universe has expanded. This extension of your universe is nothing that
was not there before, except now it has been observed and reified. Experienced. It is no longer potential universe, it is observed universe, and as
much of your personal universe as your room ever was.