reply to post by Boondock78
Zyprexa is one of the worst anti-psychotics for creating weight gain even diabetes and liver problems. I like what Alex Jones says about people
labeled psychotic, paranoid, depressed, and having mood disorders. If you have entered the relm of Alternative News about what goes on behind the
scenes concerning the New World Order, you know deep down at your core there is something not right in the world that you interact with daily, or any
kind of trauma you experienced in your past for that matter.. ie: divorce, family issues, losing someone dear to you, abuse etc. It is a normal
response for the mind to experience, react and manifest as psychosis, paranoia, depression, anxiety, and mood disorders when experiencing these
realizations of life.
As far as big Pharmaceutical giants putting chemical agents in pills, food, and water to break other parts of the body down so that you need more
medicines. Yes...i do believe they design these pills that way. Dont get me wrong, there are some great pharmaceuticals out there that really do help
folks but they are few and far between.
See: "The secret covenant" to get an idea what we are all dealing with.
The medical industry +capitalism = a bad mix. They are nothing more than sales agents selling you health services and pills and would probably do
anything to keep you sick because of the massive sums of money to be made.. That said..It makes sense that a Sick society is very profitable and a
Well society would destroy that part of the economy ie:unprofitability. The thing that still baffles me is how the insurance agencies profit? You
would think more sickness would wipe out the insurance companies so if anyone has any input on that, id be interested to know.
My own experience with the pharma/health industry
Example: Depakote is used as an anti-seizure medication and is also used for bipolar disorder. I was on that medicine, gained a ton of weight, and Im
convinced today it is what gave me a condition called Paroxsymal Atrial Fibrilation (basically an irregular heart beat) The insert says this is a side
effect yet doctors will argue with you til they are red in the face that the medicine doesnt cause this. So now i have to take a pill that is $185.00
for a month supply to regulate sinus rhythm in my heart.
Oh yeah I cant sleep now without the help of a 25mg pill of seroquel
where as before I would sleep like a baby before being diagnosed with bipolar and the meds began being introduced to my physiological system.