posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 09:32 AM
I watched to a Youtube recording of William Buhlman on Coast to Coast discussing his exploration of the out of body experience yesterday. It was
refreshing to hear a sane and level-headed person speak about OBEs from a experiential and scientific perspective, while still making room for the
spiritual. His idea, as I understood it, is basically that there are possibly an infinite number of density states (characterized by vibration
frequencies), and this one is quite dense, with a relatively low frequency and therefore geared towards the material. The soul body, he believes, is
in fact made up of layers of density states that it moves between. When we sleep we often leave our physical body to move around in the multi-verse,
rising up a frequency level.
This is something I am very interested in. All my reading in the paranormal, in the sciences and my own experience tells me that he is on the right
track. I would love to hear some of your opinions on the subject. Have any of you experienced out of body states? Do you think there is a link between
OBEs and “alien abductions”? Shoudl this be taken seriously as a means to a more rapid evolution? What is the link between induced halucinogenic
states and OBEs? What is the link between shamanic rituals and OBEs? Any comments would be welcome.
[edit on 28-1-2008 by Silenceisall]