posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 11:53 AM
What if the Government came out tomorrow & said,"UFO's are real & yes, there has been a cover up for years"Most people STILL would not believe
them.We all know people who regard the topic as being silly wheather its for religious reasons or they just think its all sci-fi garbage. Here is what
I believe may convince people:
1.) A UFO is seen at a sporting event(SUperbowl,World Series) All over the world.Mass number of witnesses & the focus is no longer on the game,but the
2.) If someone were to send ABC,FOX,NBC,CBS,CNN, & MSNBC a package containg material & artifacts such as debrite from Roswell or something.Say the
networks investigate & determine the objects are not of this earth & they ALL report of the findings.
3.) A film appears that shows a ex president(Reagan,Nixon, Truman,Ike,Clinton,etc)in a room where a meeting is taking place & the topic is mentioned
w/photos on a screen or detailed discussions take place about the reality of UFO's.
I am gathering notes w/a friend getting ready to write a thesis on the reality of UFO's & am just curious what people think would be acceptable
evidence to convince non-UFO believers of the alien threat.
So, what proof would make people wake up?