posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 08:20 PM
i have read alot about the 2012 stuff and notordamus and edgar cayse and the such over the last ten years coniously and sub-consiously(which is
alittle weird because i am 15 atm) and i remember alot of stuff that now seems to point to the 2012 scare from before even then.
all i can say about the obama thing is that mabus could be obama, but i could be a few things because mabus may not even be the anti-chist. I mean
for the most part it is said by notordamus that mabus dies, and THEN it all goes arye. ok with that said lets go deeper into other things, mabus could
be mabUS, with would point to obama and considering his inaugeration(sorry for bad spelling) being on a luna eclispe is eary considering that every
president thus far that was appointed on a lunar eclipse never finished they're term. i tend to think alot of the time that obama was hand picked in
high school for his talent for speech, which could say that he's a puppet or working for anohter cause.
then there is saddam, most the stuff said about obama seems to be after saddam died, and with the rule of hte nane games for notordamus's
predictions mabus can be reversed and one letter off the double constinant dropped u'd have sadam, and the prediction for mabus death mention the
great king in hte sky, u see notordamus does alot of his predictions of the fall of tyrants in conjuction with a great comet in the sky which did
happen at the time of his death (i just can't rememebr the name od the comet :/ )
alot of my other theories about it is already in here and i have been looking at other peoples preditctions to see if there is a link up.
and for those whom are scetics about his predictions u have to think he lives in the time of the spanish inquisition and would have been label'd a
heritic if his preditctions were as direct as posible, he had to make them look like a story, that and he live hundreds of years ago so things he saw
half the time he would not have know what to call it