posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 03:11 AM
Well first, I live in Minnesota and work at a Regional Treatment Center for the Criminally Insane. This is a place with well over a hundred years of
history of which a lot is bad. There are many buildings on the 400+ acre site that date back into the 1800's. There is one building in particular
that was the original building that housed the residents of this facility. This building was built in 1886 I believe and was home to as many as 500
people. There were many deaths at this place and many of them were not natural deaths. There was also a lot of so called torture back in the day and
just many bad things that happened to these people. This place is on Minnesota top ten most haunted places and yet I have not seen or experienced
anything unusual. Some of my co-workers say they have heard voices in the tunnels below the buildings, screams, and doors opening and shutting. The
most recent was from one of my co-workers who works the night shift with me and he said he heard loud scratching noises coming from inside a closet
that was locked and he could not get into. This guy did not lie to me about this, he is very skeptical of anything paranormal and usually finds a
reason to excuse everything but this frightened him and he could not explain it.
There was another guy I use to work with who has since moved to a different work area who practices Wicca. This guy would always tell me he can feel
different spirits in the various buildings throughout campus but has never seen anything just like me.
What does it take to actually see a spirit or ghost? There is definitely something is these buildings because I can feel it but I wish I could see
something to prove it. I always think I see things moving out of the corner of my eye but I always think im just imagining it. What do I do?
Also, there is a cemetery on the grounds that has about 2000 people. Nothing to report there but very interesting and creepy.
This is a picture of the main building.
Edit: fixed display of pic [khunmoon, moderator]
[edit on 27-1-2008 by bakednutz]
[edit on 4/2/2008 by khunmoon]