When I was a child my grandmother gave me a 'Believe it or Not' book by Robert Ripley dated 1929. Simon and Schuster publishers New, York. The
stories alway's intrigued me. Ripley was called a liar many times over, but didn't mind it.
"He felt flattered that some strange fact was unbelievable and therefore most interesting, and that the reader did not know the truth when he saw
it". In the beginning of the book it say's..."On request, sent with stamped, addressed envelope, Mr. Ripley will furnish proof of anything depicted
or described by him in this book!" Send your inquiry to Mr. Robert L. Ripley Believe it or Not Department Simon and Schuster, Inc. 37 West 57th
Street New York City. I wouldn't suggest writing for a request now, since Robert Ripley died in 1949.
On page 85 in this book..... "It tells a story of a couple wedded for 147 years! A Janos Roven and his wife Sara were born in the little village of
Stradova, Comitat (County) Casanseber, Banat (Province) of Temesvar , Hungary: and they both died there-Janos being 172 years old and Sara 164. The
aged couple attracted considerable attention during the later years of the wedlock, and the Dutch envoy in Vienna visited them and had their pictures
painted. This painting is now in possession of William Bosville, the trustee of the Earl of Northumberland, who also has the original documents of
their marriage.
Janos and Sara died almost on the same day in 1825. Their son, age 116 years, and his two great-great-grandsons, were at the bedside."
There are many stories in this book with people living well over 100 years old. Even having children over the age of 90! My question is what
happened between now and than? Why are we dying so much younger? I'm thinking our environment and what we are putting into our bodies. ie- poisons
like Aspartame can cause..... headaches, memory loss, seizures, vision loss, coma, and cancer. It also appears to worsen or mimic the symptoms of such
conditions as fibromyalgia, MS, lupus, ADD, diabetes, Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue, and depression. Read at below link why Hawaii Moves to Ban
Aspartame. So many things that can make you sick and die, as posted in this Medical Issues & Conspiracies Discussion Forums.
Mod note: use of quotes due to no links for this 1929 Ripleys 'Believe it or Not' book.