Good morning Vehemes! Thanks for your post, and for your kind U2U.
This investigation is still ongoing, although as a single part time researcher it has taken me some time to get to this point. But I'm very excited
about the state of the investigation currently, as we're nearing a 'breaking point' where one piece of information I've been tracking down (the
location of the LA Times Photographer) will allow us to determine MANY other values pertinent to this case that have until now remained unsolved for.
The value that interests me the most, is the size of the craft in the picture.
But like most investigations (In my experience) you don't really know what you'll learn until you plug in all of the numbers, and I'm fairly sure
that there will be some other interesting results once we're able to do that.
Originally posted by vehemes terra eternus
I have just witnessed a brilliant thread, respect.
A weather balloon
Thank you, and I completely understand your frustration.
Originally posted by vehemes terra eternus
A few questions if I may WFA -
1. How is your inquest going??? (great work so far)
I hope I answered that first one above, but here are the specifics.
I've located the mountain range in question, and have visually confirmed (to my own satisfaction) using the original LA Times photo for comparison,
that I've got the right location down.
Next I need to determine the proper angle (looking at the mountain range) where the original photo was taken from.
I believe I've done that also, but need to take a photo from this spot to compare against the original.
The problem in taking this photo, is that Los Angeles has grown up quite a bit in the 60 years since the event, and there are houses in the way now
(if I were to stand where the original photographer was standing). But luckily the buildings in the area are only 1 story buildings.
So I've now gained access to a building in approximately the right place (I got a job there, and as a side note it's turning out to be a really good
job). I've since tried to gain access to the roof of the building, but haven't been successful.
At some point, if needed, I'll bring a ladder there and just go up to the roof that way, but I'm convinced there is a way up from inside the
building, and I'm still looking for it. The company I'm working for in the building won't have full access to the building (we're just in a small
part in the back right now) until mid June. So I'm sort of being patient and waiting for the right time to get up there and get my comparison
It's frustrating to have to wait, but I've done a lot of preparation work in order to get this photo, and I don't want to blow all of that work by
rushing now at the end
No worries though, this case is #1 in my book, and my investigation will continue until we have our answers.
And you can be sure that I'll post
about it here when I do!
Originally posted by vehemes terra eternus
2. Is the photo of all the spotlights, the ufo and the exploding shells 100% genuine?
Yes, I personally located several places where the photo had been certified (both by independent investigatory researchers and ATS members). I then
contacted the LA Times directly, and they confirmed the picture's validity. I also went to the LA Public Library down on 5th St., and confirmed the
original newpaper from the date in question, and that the image was the same.
Additionally, the images posted online are scans (some are copies of copies) of the original, so not all of them will give you the picture quality
needed for a good analysis.
Frank Warren, an ATS Member and fellow researcher into the BOLA case, reportedly has the original photograph now. Frank has offered to send me a high
resolution scan of the original for comparison against the photo I'm currently trying to take. Once I acquire my image, I'll certainly be following
up with Frank for comparison against the original (or at the very least a high res scan).
Also, in attempting to recreate the photo, I checked out the details regarding the rumored location of the cameraman. There was a lot of bad info in
those rumors, but one turned out to be fairly accurate. That description places the object over Culver City, and the photographer at approximately
Jefferson & La Cienega (although I think he was closer to Adams & Fairfax).
Originally posted by vehemes terra eternus
3. How many witnesses from up close or afar have you spoken with? or how many do you know of?
Sadly, I only know of 1 living witness, and I've not been able to contact him directly. He was interviewed recently (I think it was 2002) here:
That article is referenced as [N-36] in the sourcing found in the first page of this thread.
I have directly spoken with many researchers into this case, but sadly have not come across any eyewitnesses that I can interview directly. There IS
much in the way of eye-witness testimony to be found in the reporting from 1942 in the newspapers local to the LA area. Following the links posted in
the bibliography section of this thread will help you find those reports
Originally posted by vehemes terra eternus
This unsolved mystery/cover up would have to be the most intriguing I have come across regarding ufos, largely due to the presentation, dedication and
poise shown in this thread
Well thank you very much for those kinds words. If you have any questions or aspects of this case that you would like to see followed up on (that
haven't been addressed so far in the thread) please let me know and I'll look into it
I hope to have more to post in this thread soon...