posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 12:03 PM
Oh - yeah - well this isn't the first thread I've seen "get lost in the shuffle".
It's good to know that if it WAS deleted it SHOULD still be in my myATS links...
I know my myATS links didn't get deleted because my participation in a few threads that were far older are still appearing in there.
And - yes - of course I did a search on all things Friedman and couldn't find it - so please don't insult me.
Either way - not the first time - won't be the last - just trying to keep things honest around here - and it's dissapearance seemed a little tooo
conincidental with Dr. Friedman's interview/appearance here...
I think some good things were discussed - shame it may have gotten the ol "Fox" treatment.
I actually suspected it might - next time I will take a screenshot...
(I'm not really agro or anything - I learned to accept ATS was not the bastion of turth and freedom I had hoped for a long time ago - sure beats the
heck out of a lot of other places tho)