reply to post by callmedave
It's only kinda ironic (as long as you don't mind using the "i" word incorrectly) that you would say she'd get more peace in the UK.
After all, Fleet Street invented the papparazi, initially with the sole purpose of harrassing the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha's.
Even in the bad old days of Hard Copy and the Stalkerazi the Brits were regarded as the planet's exponents of the worst kind of intrusion (remember
the shots of HRH Charlie-boy coming out of the shower? Shot through the window, with a zoom lens, by a Brit.), it wasn't until that unfortunate
incident in Paris in '97 that the reputation went "abroad".
But, it seems that it's only in the last four years that the US has really become the centre of vacuous papparazi "reporting" and it appears to
have coincided with the "rise" (for desparate want of a better word) of a certain hotel "heiress" and the pigment-challenged daughter of a
Commodore. Even "E"-network didn't seem as so totally omnipresent prior to these two.
It's probably no co-incidence that said "heiress" has been at the centre of a spider's web of personal and career meltdowns that have all played
out on camera, in print and on the web and only ever-so-slightly publicly humiliatingly.
She was at Sundance. Why? Was she starring in a movie? Did she produce, direct or write a movie being exhibited? Is she dating someone in any of those
four categories? If the answer to all of these questions is "no", then WTF was she doing there and, more importantly, why did the media give her
airtime, taking it away from people whose answers to those questions were "yes"?
See, it's not the fake Britiswh accent that got my attention, nor was it the ad-nauseum repitition of "Britney, help a homeless guy out", although,
God knows, that was mightily distracting, it was the sheer meaningless banality of the running commentary from the "reporters" themselves. Finally,
we can see how meaningless their work is, from their own mouths.
Just go back and listen to that crap about the "party" and "do you like the Brazilians?"
I ask you: "Who f@%kin' CARES?"
You know, there are some people who are actually trying to cure cancer. Why, then, are we focussing on the major personal missteps of a young woman
when we should be questioning the parenting skills of the mother who raised her?
(I'm not a puritan, I just like to see responsibility properly assigned.)
I work in news media, but when I look at what our American cousins choose to put on air...
When there is so much else going on in the world and they choose to pay people for this crap, all I want to do is
Okay, not all of that rant was aimed at you, Dave, but thanks for the opportunity.