posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 01:51 PM
I'd like to share my over all impression, advice and post a question.
My overall reply to the initial incident ( faking a record & partially faking stories) :I do not approve of it. I don't believe Jesse moving forward.
What he did is utterly unethical !
But then again, based on the story of Jesse's life , here's a question to this community: where did Jesse learn ethics?! In group homes ? On the
streets ?
Jesse ( if it is you or can forward the message) , it seems the moderators here (and creators of the site) are honest Americans so I strongly suggest
you come clean with whatever's on your chest, ask for forgiveness, don't be angry if you don't get it.Listen to this if you want from me: It takes
1 wrong to loose credibility. It takes 15 rights to undo a wrong. The quest to regain your credibility and win back compassion will be very tough and
highly improbable but you have started it by clean so try to have hope.
Try and make it up by serving the community. Specifically the homeless and the orphans of which you once belonged to. Try volunteering and opening
your heart to be cleansed by God's drops of love. There is no absolute heart pleasure that tops helping others in need. You will feel calm.
My question to you - should you chose to answer it - you are part Saudi , where did your parents go? Can you tell me about your childhood ? Why did
you become homeless ?
If you choose not to answer for being too personal I understand.
Sorry If I was too long for everybody. I could not but help state all what is on my mind.
Signed J. - I am Muslim and I love Jesus