V.Kaminsky wrote:
'Anon has a future... the concept "works".
Hi Kaminsky, quoting you simply because you put it in a nutshell.
And to others .. ' the concept works '.
Question is: ' Is it for sale ? '
Question's deserving of consideration, imo.
Originally posted by Squiddypuff
I would like to start by saying that I only herd about the Co$ about six months ago. When I first discovered all the flak they were taking I tried to
defend them as I am a big supported of religious rights.
Then some of the opponents comments about co$ made me start to look into the church for myself, and the more I dug the more horrified I became.
I have no problem with peoples personal beliefs, no mater haw irrational. The problems most of the critics of co$ have with it are:
They force you to give them money in order to be saved. ( and not in the Christian, Jewish, if you have been blessed help the church and if not you
are welcome any way.) No, they say that in order to be saved you need to give the church money, and there "audits" (which for those of you who
don't know are kind of like a catholic confession) not only cost you money, but they record the session. from what I've herd from ex-members, if you
try to leave the church or don't give them money they blackmail you with your confessions.
Not only that but they have been Accused (and in some cases convicted) of crimes ranging from stealing documents from the federal government, to
even murder of members who tried to leave.
This is not a religion, any more than the mafia is a religion. They are a business that preys upon the weak, and a criminal organization.
In hubbards own words. "If you want to make a lot of money, start a religion".
I erge all people interested in this debate (even members) to study long and hard both sides of the story as I have done. Do not blindly defend them
because of there religious status as I first did.
Thank you to all who took the time to read this.
[edit on 13-2-2008 by Squiddypuff]
I've known someone who dallied with what at the time they termed 'Dianetics'. They were enthusiastic, urged me to 'try it'. Obviously the
encouragement didn't motivate me to do so.
The person in question next began pestering me for money .. a loan they prefaced by saying: ' I want this loan but I'll tell you up front .. I
don't know if I'll ever be able to repay it'. They wanted the loan so they could continue to be 'audited' (by Dianetics aka CoS).
I declined their attempt to separate me from my own money: refused to loan (or give) it to them. They were forced to abandon their auditing
sessions. I have no opinion.
I did read the biography of L.Ron Hubbard (can't remember the title but had 'Messiah' in it ...'Barefaced Messiah' ?). Interesting. Seemed to
me Dianetics/CoS couldn't have got off the ground without moneyed and other influential support. My opinion: someone, group of someones etc. gave
CoS a lot of help. Question is always: 'why'.
Inadvertently phoned local CoS several years ago. Didn't realise the advertisement was placed by CoS. They phoned me back .. and back .. and back.
Very polite. Not 'pushy' but tenacious. Were still phoning me occasionally approx. 18 months later. Nothing objectionable in what they said.
Very patient. I was less than polite on many occasions when they called. They reponded courteously. Lots of encouragement, suggestions that I
should 'try them', but certainly no pressure. They get full marks on that score, or perhaps the CoS rep. I spoke to was an exception.
I never did take them up on their invitation to pursue their religion.
General opinion seems to be that CoS is about money and control.
But then, I regard most religions to be the same in that respect.
Religion has been bastardised .. by all the major players.
I don't regard CoS to be any better or worse than the rest.
In my opinion, there's an ongoing campaign on the part of at least one major player (itself heavily addicted to money and control) to bring CoS into
major disrepute.
Someone in this thread suggested this latest little rumpus is the result of CoS having a 'falling out' with that major player.
Which, to be honest, tends me to be more charitable to CoS than I would normally be.
Even though personally, I suspect that other major player to possibly have bankrolled CoS initially.
Yes, people do like drama. The young, especially .. and those who've remained 'young'. People enjoy feeling they're 'part of something' ..
especially something 'righteous' or at least a cause that can successfully be portrayed as such. Provides an outlet for their inherent angst. Add
the excitement of a 'major happening'. Friends to be made. Guys (or girls) to be met. The 'bonding' to be experienced within the 'righteous
fight for a cause', etc.
I agree with V.Kaminski's comment: ' .. the concept works ..'.
Is it for sale ? Can it be bought ?
I think so.
All that remains is for it to be revealed who .. in this instance .. paid for it ?
To be strongly suspected CoS already knows. I think I know. And thanks for the poster who tipped me off via his post.
Imo, it was just a minor scuffle ... a bit of dick-swinging on the part of those who financed the operation. But (again imo) the differences between
to two players are insignificant: they're both in it for money and control. Sheepies the target, always.