posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 07:34 PM
This is a very hot topic on ATS. There are many theories that have sprung up around the attacks on the World Trade Center, each revolving around the
idea that the U.S. Government was somehow complicit in the attacks, either planning them or simply allowing them to happen in order to advance their
own agenda by invading oil-rich countries.
Whichever way you look at it, the Bush government has benefited tremendously from this tragic event and since it's this is THE alternative
website to the mainstream, it was only apt before everyone started to make their own theories on what really happened. Some have written good
arguments that the U.S. government were involved so they could make a monopoly on the export of oil markets in East Asia to help the falling giant
Enron get back on it's feet. Enron had been pushing for a pipeline to the Caspian sea in Afghanistan to recover some of their losses and transfer
it's interests away from oil into natural gas.
I've went through quite a bit of evidence, and I have came to the conclusion that the hijackers did hijack the planes and that it was orchestrated by
hardcore elements in al-Qaeda, in collaboration with an al-Qaeda cell in Hamburg, Germany led by the Egyptian Mohammed Atta. Atta met fellow students
who shared his views at Hamburg University. He met Ramzi bin al-Shibh from Yemen, Marwan al-Shehhi from the UAE and Ziad Jarrah from Lebanon. The
German prosecutors believe this is when the cell was fully formed, and the German intelligence people believe that they travelled to Afghanistan in
1999 to gain funding for their plan to carry out a frightening attack on the US mainland.
By July 2000, the entire Hamburg cell were in America with the exception of Ramzi al-Shibh who could not gain a visa and was replaced by a Frenchman
called Zacarias Moussaoui. It is also confirmed that al-Shenhi opened up a joint account with Atta at a SunTrust bank in Florida and had a sum worth
$109,500 transferred from Dubai. Who transferred this money is unknown, presumably an affluent Arab with connections or some scheming moneyman.
It should also be noted that al-Qaeda chose Arabs to do this mission because they could get visas with little trouble.
So, in my view, the 9/11 attacks were carefully planned by al-Qaeda members, and it turned out extremely well for the U.S. president and the oil
industry. Whether or not the U.S let it happen is open to debate.