posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by jenkwater
Yeah, not jealous at all, more like tired of hearing about it when I want to hear some real news. Yet because so many seem to have great fascination
with someone else’s life the media spends hours and hours going on and on about it. I don’t want fame or fortune I would settle for just having
no debts and making what I do. I would be rich enough money wise then, and I am more than rich enough in my life now.
Also my reply to this thread was when it was on above not below. The thread has moved since I posted on in.
reply to post by TheHypnoToad
Again I was posting when this was on above not below. I get tired of hearing about one person so many feel has such great importance when I am trying
to hear news about the world and the rest of the people living on it.
It is not about disrespecting him or being awful as you assume. It is about this being placed around as if it were extremely important. Yes people die
every day and I’m find with them mentioning he died but please mention it and move along don’t stay on the same thing for ages.
As for this being tragic I still say it is not there is a possibility he ended his own life if that is the case people should really let the subject
drop. People who end their own life are selfish beyond belief they have given up or are to blinded by their own pity to see there are those who love
Also he lived 28 years yes that is young but that is longer than so many that dies every day. A tragedy is when the father through his kids off the
bridge, or when another shot and killed two of his three kids, or any other storey that comes up when a child is harmed or killed. Those stories are
far more tragic with little or no responses from people in the form that a celebrity gets when they die or when they are not wearing panties.
I’m only coming back to this thread because I was replied to after this I really have nothing to add to the thread. I mentioned in my posts I feel
sorry for his family and him if it was an accident. I also said if he killed himself he deserves no respect. I know what suicide does to love ones it
is worse in most cases than if the person died or was killed.
As for the living with and dealing with the paparazzi they knew about it when they chose their path and they deal with them because people feel a need
to know every detail of their life. Otherwise it would not be in the news as much as it is.