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Three signs of looming unrest

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posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by cbew

I have not yet watched Endgame, but if you visit my profile, you will see that I have started several threads on the sort of things you are asking about.

As far as why, there are only two possiblities:

1) Evil for the sake of evil. The elite overlords simply want complete mastery over the globe for their own personal benefit.

2) Survival of the richest. The elite are simply trying to manage inevitable doom in a manner which will insure the survival of our species. Of course, this leaves them as the chosen ones to survive, but really through no fault of their own if they are merely forseeing some unavoidable catastrophe. Maybe there just aren't enough lifeboats.

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by kattraxx

The road system in my area is not at all condusive to high-speed chases, and therefore have been an extreme rarity. Up until this year that is. There has been a sudden spike, and not just on open highways, but multi-lane roads with many intersections/traffic lights.

Suspect in Newburgh high-speed chase still recovering from injuries

[edit on 1/22/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by mybigunit

BTW jack how did it go in court?

Refused plea offer. Adjourned 'til next month.

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by jackinthebox

I just have a gut feeling that a new system just came on-line to filter the entire internet.

I think we have been assuming it was already there, just like everyone assumed that there were AA missiles protecting the Pentagon, but that this system just went fully operational. The anomalies seem to coincide with the sort of decreased performance and errors expected when an independant user gets their signal pirated.

I'm positive this is happening as well. In fact, it's already been hinted at so many times by the media, this blatant spying on the public.

ISPs and phone companies have ALL been federally regulated to provide unlimited information to the government. I know for a fact that Google has been assimilated to buy up all the major internet backbones to prepare for 'Internet 2' where the Internet will be entirely locked down so to speak. The rug is slowly being pulled out from under us....

[edit on 23-1-2008 by NewWorldOver]

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by DraconianKing
You should have read that thread you are linking to, nothing sinister happened at all. I think you are getting a little paranoid and maybe you need to take a weeks break from all of this.

Paranoia...what here on ATS....never!

This is yet another example of the rampant paranoia that is sweeping through ATSNN. I think the popularity of the site is acting like a magnet and attracting all the religious extremists (satan is everywhere variety) and paranoid delusionsals from all those weird and wonderful internet sites that hardly anybody visits!

Just to hit this one the head: you may get a recession in the US and it is a possibility that it cuts deeper than expected simply due to the debt that the US has with the rest of world, especially China. However it is not in China's interest to see the US collapse otherwise it loses all its money! The global economy is global these days much more so than in periods of recession in the past. This alone acts to rebalance things. 2008 will be rocky, more so in the US, but 2009 will see a recovery. China and India, especially India, will keep on growing and will very quickly surpass the US.

If you wish to buy shares then avoid the US, India is a good bet.

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 04:13 AM
Call me crazy, but my internet was just down for 3 hours. An interesting time for it to happen too, between 1 a.m. and 4:30 a.m. I have also noticed a ton of cop cars patrolling the streets in the past two days.

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 06:00 AM
I’ve driven the streets of DFW for the last 10 yrs or so for a living, and have indeed seen an increase in the number of patrols, and what I call revenue collection incidents, where cops are just looking for anything they can find to write a ticket about. In Dallas, the increases have mostly come in the form of many more Constable cars being out and about, writing citations. Five years ago you would hardly ever see a Constable, now they’re everywhere. There’s no doubt in my mind that the police state is being ramped up, and I feel certain that some catalyzing event will occur before BushCo is done, which will end all pretense of freedom.

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by jackinthebox
My whole point was that proactive community policing, which was meant to prevent problems from escalating, has been replaced by a militant reactionary force at odds with the needs of the community. Police officers no longer function as a servant of the community, but as a servant of court system profiteering.

Bureaucracy has taken over. I see it absolutely everywhere. Power has been taken out of the hands of everyone at the lower levels of the public sector heirarchy. A police officer, or council worker, or hospital nurse no longer feels able to make subjective decisions because of how accountable they are by not following prodedure handed down from above. In my opinion, this is one of the worst things about our new modern world. There's no such thing as an instant decision based on an individual situation anymore. Everything has to be processed, compartmentalised and run through sets of criteria before a decision can be made about it.

Regarding the topic at hand, I think it might be a good time to start paying attention to the survival forum, and to start putting together that emergency survival pack I've been promising myself.

My guess is that the extra police presence may not be so temporary, but rather a subtle step towards lockdown. If the authorities build a police state slowly, no-one will notice. If we woke up one morning and every third person on the street was a trooper armed to the teeth, the public may panic and become reactionary. If it happens slowly... well... put a frog in a pan of boiling water and it'll jump straight out, but put it in cold water, then boil it slowly, and it'll cook.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 01:09 PM
I have taken some pictures of military vehicles being stashed at the local fire-training facility. They did not come out as well as I would have liked, but I only had a cell-camera and was trying not to get caught. I also tried to get some zoom action after the fact, and will post these as well.


posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 02:08 PM
Pretty interesting Jack, consider starting a new thread with those pics, I wonder if other people can attest to strange goings-ons like that.

I have heard from numerous other threads people witnessing the stock-piling of Military vehicles, trailers, etc. without any explanation from their local government.

Some of those black vehicles you've shown look similar to those that patrolled the streets during Katrina. Yikes.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by jackinthebox
reply to post by kattraxx

The road system in my area is not at all condusive to high-speed chases, and therefore have been an extreme rarity. Up until this year that is. There has been a sudden spike, and not just on open highways, but multi-lane roads with many intersections/traffic lights.

Thanks for your observation. As I was finishing up my AJ degree in the 90's, we were told that most cities had restricted these chases because of these suits, which can get very expensive-- into the millions. I wonder what has changed. Some monetary cap on such suits? Otherwise, it's a little frightening to think that local governments consider it "worth it" to maim and kill innocent citizens in order to run down a purse snatcher. And costly to taxpayers to pay out on these suits as well.

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