posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 06:48 PM
From the work of Stewart Swerdlow ( a Montauk Survivor, says to increase mind power is like going to the gym, you need to 'train'
the mind.
exercise: Pineal Gland expansion (Larger the Pineal Gland, more psychic you become). Visualise a spiral going from the centre of the brain (where the
gland is located) all the way out into the sky as far as you can 'imagine'. Then bring it back into the Pineal Gland. You would have gotten some
information whilst doing this exercise - may come later on as a flash, or a knowing of information.
Also try the same exercise from the Solar Plexus, as this is the area that 'absorbs' information.
There are more exercises, using visualisation 'Antennae', which is from his book 'Healers Handbook'. ie, Gather Alternate Reality information,
deep space travel, radiation detection, earth change detection, Contact Sirius A beings, etc...
Hope it helps