posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 06:07 AM
Hi guys
really hoping for some answers here. My son is currently at his fathers house with the rest of the gang. They have all had a cold in the past week,
been off sick from school. The son i am talking about is 15, he has had a sore throat along with the cold (same as others). He just called me to say
that he has discovered a lump on the roof of his mouth.
Apart from saying i will take a look when he comes home (in about 3 hours), i can't do anything else until then.
Apart from worry. Which is what i've been doing incessantly since he called.
What could have caused this lump? It obviously came up quickly, he says it's not too big, not really painful unless he pushes on it and he still has
the sore throat of course.
All kinds of things are going through my mind right now so if anyone is familiar with this, please give me some ideas. All i got was cancer when i
tried googling it, and that scared the crap out of me.
I'll take him to the doctors tomorrow, or the hospital tonight, whichever seems appropriate, but any help before he comes back will be appreciated