posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by Johnbro
Yes, and that is what I think is happening here.
Some people explain in one way, some other people explain in a different way, but while some are considered as not having enough "mental facilities"
the others are considered as people who think "outside of the box" (an expression that I never liked, I don't know why).
I have as much proof of those being just rocks as anyone else has that they are snakes, holograms or small beings.
I always try to back up my opinions with publicly available data and present it as such, so those that are against my opinion can base their own
opinions on the same data set.
I have yet to see anyone present any other data than the same pictures they present as proof, so these can not support the previous data because they
are the same, and we keep running in circles because the proof is the same as the backing data.
In the end, and for both sides, this is still just a matter of opinion and nothing else, neither side has real proof to present.
PS: There is a scientific explanation for the fact that some tons of iron may sink to the bottom of the ocean or not.