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Chemtrails 2008 (Hard Evidence video)

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posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 02:19 AM
They didn't do it using thousands of commercial airliners flying at 30,000ft feet though, did they?

And you still miss the point that there is no reason to think that if any such spraying occurred it'd be at all visible.

If it looks exactly like a contrail and behaves exactly like a contrail, why think it's something different?

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 02:52 AM
The great thing about theories is that you do not need REAL evidence. Just take a picture out of context and claim anything you want.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 04:10 PM
I've been convinced for years now that chemtrails are part of a "spraying program" in a covert operation of our government. My question is, what can we do about it? Most people are afraid to admit to themselves it is real. Is Obama aware of it yet? If not, can he be persuaded to do something about it? I have a sad feeling that those who really run
this world will not let him do anything about it, if he isn't already aware
of it. However, I worked hard to help get him elected simply because
I believe he might really be on the side of the people. Then again,
I'm pretty much of an idealist.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 01:58 AM
desertwatcher wrote today at 2:42 AM

Cairo, Egypt. 2 days of heavy arial bombardment with chemtrails the last week. First day jets flew in clearly visible parallel lines horizon to horizon over the densely populated city of Cairo. The thick, sometimes "dripping" chemtrails dissipated to form thick haze over entire sky. Day 2, high altitude jets flew in a pattern of near perfect intersecting arcs, horizon to horizon over the city. Chemtrails dissipated to blanket the city with dense grey brown toxic smog & ugly, distorted yellowish brown clouds. The air was hazy and breathing & eye problems exacerbated for many people. The dense smog lasted another day during which precipitation towards the ground was clearly visible as dense grey brown have while upper levels cleared somewhat. By day 4 it had finally cleared.

Here is an interesting question. Egypt is 90% desert. If this is about weather modification and testing, why is it not being carried out in the vast expansed of uninhabited desert, where there is little to no hazard to human & animal life, crops water supply, earth etc. No.......... it appeared to intentionally target a densely populated area. Human Guinea pigs? Targets for depopulation (New World Order programme)??

Large US weapon suppliers have active bases in Egypt (e.g.Lockheed, Raytheon etc) They deal in ultra modern warfare technology. I have NO PROOF guys, but definitely suspicions. Why are they dumping this on one of the most densely populated cities on earth and not over the desert?? Think about it!

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Essan

What a Government piece of trash you are...any observant person knows that something is going on...Your eyes do not lie to you people. When you view planes going straight up or straight down at an almost 90 degree angle in the middle of the sky, that is not a commercial plane. When you view a plane that is all white with no windows going up at down at a nearly 90 degree angle, that is not a commerical plane. When EVERYTIME you look up in the sky in a small town and see 4 5 and 6 planes in the sky, with 2 chemicals trails pouring out of each, doing a 90 degree dive, that is not a commercail plane...Your eyes TELL the TRUTH. Don't Lie to yourself!

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 08:27 AM
I live in Anthony Fl. For the past month they have sprayed us every sat and spray at night. also. There are usually double crosses right above the house. Last night 12/13/08 not a cloud in the sky a full moon too. I work grave yard shift. I saw double crosses in the sky right above the house as I was going to work. They sometimes fly right over as there is a small airport maybe 1500 feet from us. They do not take off from the airport but fly over as they have taken off from it. I have just recently discovered this. As Anthony is a small town there are not many people aware of what is happening here. The only thing of interest here is Jet Blue,it is a development that the Hollywood stars are building houses in. John Travolita has a house next to the runway. So why is there no one to report this to in the state of Florida. As if any of the political realm would care anyway. Greed now rules the our country,

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